How we met...

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Dear Diary...
Today me and Zoe met up at my house she was acting really weird,like she almost had a secret, I was always there for her in her anxiety attacks etc. Yet she keeps secrets from me I played it cool and said causally said "you alright?", she looked at me with bug eyes wanting to tell me something but couldnt, anyways she finally told me after her dads amazing roast dinner because it always makes her happy after she eats it,anyway she told me that her brother had told her he really likes me BUT I DONT EVEN KNOW HIS NAME? Hes cute I'll give him that I just need to find out his name, his nickname is ****head but im not sure i can call him that! Anyways ill write in you tomorrow if i can remeber i need a name for you diary,diary pretty boring i might call you Tim I like the name Tim i think its cute anyways byeeee!!


Dear Tim, I found out mystery boys name its Joe he is in 6 form hes a little older then me and he asked me out in person today it was weird ill say that but after we started talking it was like we had been friends for years, to me he was this weird boy that didnt go out of his room all day until the night when he came back drunk and now this new boy/man had a whole lot of personality to him, he even hugged me this morning when i came home from staying the night at Zoes me and Joe tommorrow are going to pizza hut my favourite place in the WORLD! I just made myself a ornage hot chocolate that I gave Zoe the recipe to,I hope she uses it, Ive told Zoe that i am going to start a youtube channel tommorow then we are going to get Joe to start on I hope people like me I dont know how all these famous youtubers deal with the hate like fred whos just hit 1 mill wow that so much i couldnt imagine anybody getting that many subscribers.Byeee. ps. JOE IS CUTEEE

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