Pokèmon Girl

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Pikaaaachuuu!!!!!  This was a get well drawing for one of my Best friends Fangirl4Life09, who has a fever.  :(
Follow her, she's a great author, great person etc (end of thinking capacity)

Anyway, if it's not clear, the box in the Pokè-Girl's hands is a box of Gummi Bears, which Fangirl4Life09 (her name is Jill Bekerman, but a Fangirl no less) LOVES to eat.  And so so I.  She's a great friend.  She got me this sketchbook on my birthday!!!!  So sweet!!!!  LOOKIT, IT HAS NO LINES!!!!  I kinda rushed on this picture and I used the pile of crayons I have that I collect that comes with the kids meal of the restaurants.  ;)

I covered my signature cuz if you guys saw it, you would all die of glorious angelic art!!!!  Plus, Jake wanted to join my picture.

Lolz, and

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