The Day I Ran Away

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You probably remember me I am macy. I am Diana sister so today I am not putting a date because it had been one year since this story had happened. I had lost my old book of dairy that is why I didn't write it rite away, now I am writing in a new book. So let's get into the story. So now I am writing from my room, but when this happened I wasn't in my House or even close to my house. The problem me and my sister had never ended so I had to run away. And unfortunately I did the problem is that while I was running I got tired so I looked for a taxi or any car to ride I had some mony it wasn't a lot the much mony I had wouldn't be enough for more than at most 4 miles with a car but their were no cars. All the sudden I found one and only one car coming by if was a guy I wasn't supposed to ride with a guy but I had to. So I did but I shouldn't have because what happened was he kidnapped me, after three months of being kidnapped finally my hero sister saved me I was happy but she was still mad, and the guy that kidnapped me got arrested. She took me home. Mom and her yelled at me. I didn't know why. Dad was on a world trip. Mom called him so when he came home I was home. He yelled at me also I a was so mad that I didn't for a whole week. I was starving I almost died, my mother Called the doctor. When the doctor came he said, "That if I didn't eat I will really die." But I still didn't eat. I was so mad at all of my family. Now I eat but I don't talk to any of my family. Today my sister came to my room and explained that they yelled at me because I ran away and they were worried about me. I said that it was fine I told her that I was only mad because I didn't understand why they were yelling so I went to apologize to mom and dad they exepted my opology and we were fine again.


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