Kenji ➸ 健二

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❝Tch, friends? I don't think there is really a need for them, besides you should you should stay away from me if you know what's good for you.❞

The Demon

➸ Name: Kenji Yamaguchi

➸ Age: 19

➸ Gender: Male ♂

➸ Sexuality: Gay ||Seke||

➸ Species: Demon

➸ Height: 5'6"

➸ Weight: 45kg.

➸ Occupation: 3rd Year High-School Student

➸ Personality: Kenji is the main example of a pervert, and although he seems very charming and innocent once first meeting someone, he is way far from that. He can be cold and manipulative, usually using people for his own needs and then completely throwing them away like trash. He's pretty good with the ladies, but thinks they can be annoying at times. He has a bit of a tsundere side and does blush easily- although he'd denied it if it were to happen. Kenji can also be crude and unpredictable, although it is hinted that he can also be a cruel and merciless person due to being antisocial.

➸ Appearance: Kenji appears to be a young man, with shaggy dark blue (often mistaken for black) hair that reaches to his neck, and bright, striking blue eyes. His pupils are also shown as slit much of the time. He has slightly sharp teeth that resembles fangs. He tends to wear black or blue clothing, consisting of long sleeved t-shirts and jeans.

➸ Facts:

→ Kenji doesn't prefer sour or spicy foods, although he does take a small liking to sweets.

→ In his bedroom his has many secret magazines hidden that kids should probably not see. (*cough, cough*)

→ Kenji loves cats, bunnies, and pandas.

➸ Relationship Status: Single

➸ Message from Kenji to you: "Yo, stay away from me, baka."

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