chapter 2: the embrace of broness.

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Johns pov.


I'm john! Anyway, ((pffft whaaat am i doing)) today is my first day back at school after a very, very, long summer with my grandparents. Fun fun fun. But, I have returned and get to see my Best bro Dave! I have to admit, he is a chick magnet. Hes tall, platinum blonde hair, pale freckled skin, those shades he always mysterious... Kinda hot...WHAT. yeah fuck it. Hes hot. There's nothing I can do about it. Me being the short, messy haired, big framed glasses wearing nerd I am. Insert dramatic sigh. But yes, I'm wander the halls at the moment, looking down at my phone as I text Dave.
Dave:I got English for first, which is English. So ironic.
I chuckle quietly to myself and walk into my first period. English! Me and Dave have the same homeroom! Sweet.
I sit at my desk and wit for Dave to arrive.


The second Dave walks into the class room I swear my heart skipped like 1000 beats. I jumped up from my seat and ran to him. He opened his arma and was met with a tender embrace. My arms were around his neck and he was holding me up by my waist. I smiled widely as blush began to form on my cheeks."Dave! I'm so happy to see you!" I hear him chuckle slightly as he lowers me back onto the ground, him being about 5 inches taller than me. "Missed you too egderp." I pulled from out embrace and looked up at him. He looked exactly the same and I couldn't be more happy. He nods to the back of the class where I had my stuff. "Cmon, I'll sit beside you." I nod and walk back to my desk sitting down. He sits in the desk to the right. "John! Dave!" I heard a high pitched voice call from the front of the class room."Jade!" I quickly stand back up and run to hug her. She hugs be back and giggles."I'm so glad to see you! How was nanas?" You see, Jade was my half sister but lived with her grandpa. It's complicated. "Boring as always. What'd I miss?" I ask pulling from our hug. "Well, rumor has it that terezi chick's got a thing for you!" She whispers pointing to a short red headed girl with red sunglasses and a fringe. I had kinda had a small crush in her but never expected for her to like me too! "Woah. Okay then." She chuckles and points out the door. "Sell I gotta go. I'm not in this class but wanted to say hi! Tell Dave I said hey!" And with that, she ran out of the room and down the hall. I laughed quietly and returned to my seat. "So, how's life been treating ya Egbert?" I hear Dave ask, chill as fuck. "Pretty well if I say so my self." I respond, leaning back in my desk chair like him.

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