Chapter 2: Down hill

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He started heading home from the mall with his friend when he was in a wreck. He was hit head on. A guy stopped and tried to help and called for help,as he whispered," It's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. I'm right here for you." As the ambulance showed up they say that Charles had a two foot peice of glass was going staight through his femer; during the time they were trying to get him out of the car they decide to life flight his friend,Toby. Partly because he had a major head injury and was unconsious ,while Charles was in and out of consiousness and had broken his right wrist, left arm, and his right leg. It would take longer for them to cut him out of the car. When they got to the hospital his dad was notified and was on his way to the hospital with depressing news about his mother. He arrived at the hospital after what seemed like a century, and found the room as the doctor was walking out. "Is he going to be okay doc?" he asked worried. "Well for now I think he will be. Within the hour we will be back to remove the glass from the wreck. But in case he doesn't make it through surgery, if you have anything to say, say it now," the doctor requested. "Thanks doctor," he said as he walked in the room. He sat there for twenty minutes as he watched his son lay there in pain. He didn't want to tell him the bad news until they were home to talk about everything. They came to get him as he woke up and cried because he wanted to be garunteed to be okay and make it out spearingly. To be continued....

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