Chapter 1 : throwback

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Where is he right now? Is he doing good? Does he still remember me?

"Hey what's this?" snatching away my love-shaped hair pin, blue color specifically.

"It's not yours okay? Now give it back." Feeling the anger boiling up to my neck. I can see myself, ears all red and neck getting light shades of red from holding the fire inside me.

The blue-colored love-shaped hairpin is gifted from my mum and I won't let anyone, I repeat, ANYONE get it away from me. Oh come on! Where else can you guys find such exclusive rare shape hairpin? Having such hairpin makes you the most respectful kid in school and this boy is about to ruin it for me.

"Besides, boys don't use it! Now give it back to me!" hopping my best to reach up to him. Damn he's tall for a 10-year old kid. The more I try to hop up, the higher he lifts his hand. This hopping show is starting to attracting the other kids gather around and he still wiggling up the hairpin above me.

oh wait... Why I didn't think of it earlier...

"Owww.... Velvet! How dare of you to pinch my nips!" While he's busy with his nips, I quickly put out my hands to save the hairpin from dropping onto the ground and get tainted by the dirt or else I will be the lonely depressed kid in the corner of the class depressing about her precious hairpin.

"Velvet, what is the phenotype ratio for this F1 generation?" A question from the lecturer snapped me out from my thoughts. Suddenly I'm having a panic attack rushing in and I looked around as everyone is waiting for an answer from me.

"Pssh Vel...  9:3:3:1" I quickly spit out the answer and the lecturer nodded and gave me a brief warning to stay focus during her class.

I turned back to my seat and gave her a full of gratitude smile. "Thanks for saving me just now Shiro."

"No prob. What's with you anyways? You were staring at the outside for so long.... Any thoughts want to share?" This is where I want to shoutout to God for giving me such thoughtful friend when I am in need of them. Shiro is an amazing person with down to earth personality, born Einstein and truly despise people who ditch shower in the morning. So tip number one to befriend with her, smell good and you guys are good.

"I was thrown back by the childhood memories that's all." I sighed.

The bell rang and we went out to our lockers which coincidentally right next to each other! Ah so cliche I know right. Life is a cliche anyway.

"What's up with this guy?" Shiro snapped out of blue. My brow raised in confusion and tilt my head to look over her phone.

[Stop being so dramatic and get a life] - BZmonkey

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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