Chapter Ten

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Elena walked into the club and smirked at all the open mouths. She was wearing a tight, purple dress and heels. Her makeup was a metallic smokey eye. She walked over to the bar confidently and ordered a drink. Soon she was out on the floor dancing. After some time she led a young, pretty girl outside the club away from any other people. "Don't move and don't scream," she compelled her. The dark veins under eyes emerged and her fangs revealed themselves. Before she could take a bite, she was held against the wall and away from the girl.

"Leave the girl alone Elena."

"So glad you could make it to dinner Diego."

"Marcel said to watch over you and make sure you don't do something you'll regret."

"Marcel lost the power to tell me what to do when he kicked me out," she hissed.

"He just cares-"

"I don't want him to care," she cut him off.

"She walked back past the girl and into the club. Diego sighed and compelled the the girl to leave and forget what had happened. By the time he had walked back inside, Elena was sitting and making out with a well dressed man. Diego hated reporting back to Marcel on Elena's actions. It only hurt him. He watched as Elena fed on the man, compelled him and left. He followed her outside and watched as she headed for a vampire club. When he had first started following Elena, she had fought him, but he was older than her and she eventually excepted it. He had prevented her from killing anyone so far, but she was feeding on anyone she saw and out most nights. She rarely bothered to go back to her new apartment except to change and redo make up. He sighed and headed into the club after her.
It was three in the morning and Elena was finally heading back to her apartment. She heard Diego behind her and rolled her eyes.

"I'm heading home. You can leave me alone."

"I promised Marcel I would look after you. Elena he does love you-"

"Who's Elena? I'm Emma."

"Don't play that game with me Elena."

"I'm not playing. Elena was a weak foolish girl who fell in love and got her heart ripped out. I'm nothing like her. I'm strong, powerful, and fun. Marcel doesn't control me anymore," she said walking closer. "So tell him to let me live my life without him just like he wanted," she sneered and quickly snapped Diego's neck. She then continued to head to a club nearer to the edge of the city. It was a club mostly filled with vampires and some humans used to feed on. Elena walked in and decided to grab a handsome, young with sandy brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Another vampire who had been feeding snarled at her. Elena quickly reached over and broke the vampire's neck. She dragged the boy with her to the bar. "Answer all my questions truthfully," she compelled.

"What's your name?"


"Now how old are you?"

"I'm twenty."

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Massachusetts. I came to New Orleans to visit an old friend."

"Well, I'll make your trip worth while."

Elena leaned forward and kissed his lips knowing that plenty of people were watching her. She knew that she should have cared. The old her would have. But she didn't. Then she bit down gently on his coracoid artery biting harder and harder until she pulled away. She bit her own risk and fed Noah her blood. "You are going to listen to me and do everything I tell you to until I say you are free to live your life on your own." She had seen the loopholes of compulsion first hand and was careful not to make any mistakes. "Noah, we are going home."
Diego woke and looked around. Elena had let him lay in the middle of the street where anyone could have seen him. Even if her emotions were off, she didn't have to be sloppy. He sped to her apartment and opened the door and tried to walk in. Suddenly he was stopped by an invisible force. He looked through the doorway and saw Elena and smirking at him with a man beside her. He could here the boy's steady pulse and see his dilated eyes. "My apartment is in Noah's name so no unwanted intruders can get in," she said smiling at him. "Invite me in," he compelled. When the boy did not respond he tried again. "Come here." "He's compelled to only listen to me. He will do everything I say until I release him or no longer need him. He has vervain too so no other vampire can compel him," she gloated. "Good night Diego," she said before slamming the door shut.

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