Meeting Him

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I woke up to my alarm clock blaring the most annoying sound in my ear. I shut it off and laid back down only to be jumped on by Allie as her tail wagged. "Alright. I'm up!" I mumbled into my pillow as I slowly rolled out of bed. Allie got off and ran down to the kitchen. I sighed as I walked downstairs to the kitchen to get her breakfast ready. I set her bowl down and began to get ready for the day.

I put on a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt since I was working at the diner today. I walked passed the room that I put most of my dad's army stuff in and paused for a minute. I debated my next actions, but decided that I wanted something of his today. I walked into the room and over to the closet; inside hung his uniforms. I pulled out his camo jacket and slid it on easily. Then I fiddled with his dog tags that never left my neck. "I wish you were here daddy," I said quietly.

I finished getting ready and went into downtown Charleston to the diner. Once I walked in I was greeted by my manager, Taylor. "Morning Andrea!" She smiled cheerfully. "Morning Taylor. How was your night?" I asked her. She handed me my apron as she spoke. "It was alright. Hey, I need you to work a double shift tonight. Are you alright with closing?" She asked. I nodded my head as I tied my apron in the back. "Sure," I said kind of glumly. "Are you sure?" She checked. She probably heard the tone of my voice when I answered.

I turned to her and quickly put on a fake smile. "Yeah. Absolutely." She didn't seem to notice. "I better get started on my shift," I told her as I grabbed my pens and notepad for orders and began to walk out. "Oh! Tell your brother I say welcome back home," I smiled at her genuinely. "I'll pass along the message. If you need anything, don't hesitate. I know this week isn't really easy for you," she stated as she gave me a hug. "I'm fine," I lied. Truth be told, everyone has lost someone here. Most people in this city have someone in their family who is a part of the military. I can't let it hold me back forever.

The day went by very slowly, but I was never not on my feet. The place was packed since I walked in. It's about 11 o'clock right now. "Just another hour, Andrea," I mumbled to myself as I threw my hair in a loose ponytail. Taylor left around five, and it was me and Susie as the only two waitresses left. Dominic was in the back waiting for another customer to order something so he wasn't bored out of his mind. It was pretty empty.

"Hey, Andrea. Do you mind if I head home early? I have to tutor tomorrow morning," Susie asked. "Go ahead. I'll cover for you," I smiled at her. "Thank you!" She smiled and hugged me as she left.

I looked over at my father's table and wished he was there. About ten minutes later, a few teenagers from one of the collages came in and all ordered breakfast. Dominic was happy to start cooking the second they walked in the door. I served it to them and started to get everything ready for closing soon. Dominic called my name from the kitchen. I looked up and he pointed over to my father's booth. I smiled for a second, but it quickly faded as soon as I realized that it want him.

It was a man around my age with his back towards me, but I could tell he was in the army by his attire. I put on a smile as I walked over to him. "Welcome. My name is Andrea. What can I get for you this evening?" I asked politely. He looked up at me and I paused for a moment. He had brown hair, and these brown eyes that have a whole story behind them. However, his smile was one that could light up a whole city. My fake smile became a genuine one as he smiled at me. "Well, tell me, Andrea. How are the shakes here?" He asked. "I'd say they are pretty good. Vanilla was always my father's and my favorite," I said with a bit of my southern accent popping out.

"Then I'll have two," he smiled. "Two? Do you want me to wait a second to make them for you and your friend?" I asked him. "I was actually hoping that you would join me, if you aren't too busy," he stated more like a request instead of a question, but in a nice way. I looked at the other customers leaving. "I would love to. Just let me clean up the tables and stuff real quick?" I asked. He nodded and I got to work.

Before I could even touch the plates, Dominic was there already. He smiled at me and said,"go have some fun tonight." I thanked him then got started on the milkshakes.

Traveling Soldierحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن