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John rifled through the files on his desk. They could all do with a stint in the army, he decided. Especially the pierced and tattooed juvenile delinquent in front of him.

"So, Marcus," he said, essaying a small smile. It was the one he'd used on Dean's last girlfriend, a blonde bombshell who'd suddenly begged off with an upset stomach, leaving Dean free for target practice with his old man and kid brother as nature had intended. It made Marcus shift in his chair and eye the door. "Word is you pantsed a kid in your gym class last week. That true?"

Marcus tried to play it cool, but John could already see the flop sweat. "Heshwafuete," Marcus mumbled.

"Didn't quite catch that," John said. Who the hell taught kids how to speak nowadays? Some days he thought his sons were the only teenagers with decent elocution.

"He was an asshat," Marcus said clearly.

"See now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Marcus gave him a sullen look. "I was just reading through your file, Marcus. It says you were good friends with Pete Wright and Jacob Marsh."

"Am," Marcus whispered, his fingers clenching on his armrests.


"Am. I am good friends with Jacob Marsh."

John paused. After one quick defiant look, Marcus's eyes skittered away, his eyelashes fluttering as he tried not to cry. "The kid you pantsed - he say something about Jacob?"

"Jacob's missing. He's not dead." Marcus's voice hitched on the last word, a flush crawling up his neck to stain his cheeks red. In that moment, despite the tattoos and piercings, he looked just like Sammy had, the first time they'd been on a hunt that hadn't worked out right in the end.

"Tell me about him, Marcus," John urged. "What was he into? What do you think happened to him? Was anyone hanging around him who gave you a weird feeling? Did you see anything strange the day he disappeared?"

Marcus stared up at him, his mouth hanging open.

"Well? Come on, kid."

Marcus closed his mouth, swallowing. "So... you believe me?" he asked after a moment.

John gave the kid his most charming smile. "You ever see Ghostbusters? 'We're ready to believe you.' That's my motto. So tell me what you know."

Marcus took a shaky breath and began to speak.


I've Come To Be the Stranger That You Keep (by blue_fjords) ~Destiel~ AUWhere stories live. Discover now