Taurus 22

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1. Taurus does not go into anything with the intent to play games, especially in a relationship. They are extremely devoted and expect the same.

2. People who are 'edgy', unique or even a bit of a rebel often appeal to a Taurus. Simple-minded personalities and/or pushovers are a buzzkill for them.

3. It takes a long time for a Taurus  to give away their only heart. Only the strong will survive the wait!

4. A Taurus has a lot of patience and a laugh that can mask a lot of frustration, so few people have seen them in anger, and when they blow up, it's nuclear.

5. In private, Taurus is an intense partner, and one quite happy to have sensual encounters go on all night long. The Energizer Bunny of the Zodiac have arrived! (XD)

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