next door

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Taylor tosses and turns in her bed. It is 7am and all she is trying to do is get some sleep. But it is impossible because of the loud screaming coming from outside.

Ever since the new neighbour moved in, Taylor has been struggling to get even a wink of sleep. She didn't even make them a 'Welcome to the Neighbourhood' cake, but to be honest, who even does that in 2015?

She turns on her side and places a pillow on her ear.

"Carla! Lisa! Stop screaming. You're disturbing the neighbours!"

Hell fucking yes they are.

She hears them apologizing and then a door being shut.

That must have been the mother, Taylor thought.

Peace at once. Only a few more years until the screaming stops.


Taylor has been watching the girl all night. It's been a while since she had a hook-up, but tonight is gonna change that.

Downing a drink before she moves to the dance floor, she stops in front of the girl and they start grinding on each other like hormonal teenagers.

She has dark hair and she is way much shorter than Taylor. The colour of her eyes cannot be seen, but they look hazel. Taylor grabs her hips and lowers her head to the stanger's ear.

"Let's get out of here."


The girl lands on Taylor's bed with a thud and Taylor crawls on her to straddle her. The room is dark and she stars kissing her neck and her hand snakes up on her thigh. They are a mix of uneven breaths and moans.

Suddenly a loud scream is heard.

Oh no.

The scream turns into crying. Both Taylor and the girl stop what they were doing.

No no please not now.

The light that has been switched on next door shines through Taylor's curtains and they hear a soothing voice trying to calm the crying child.

"Uhh, just ignore that."

Even though the mood has been ruined, Taylor tries to continue but the girl has already stood up to leave.

"No, no. Please don't go," Taylor pleads.

"Sorry, but I have this thing to go to. I'll uh, see you around." She grabs her shoes and runs out of the room.

There is no way in hell that there is a thing that she needs to go to at 2am.

Taylor closes her eyes and sighs.

Only a few more years.






Taylor has had enough. She doesn't want to wake up because of a pointless argument at 8 in the morning. What makes it even worse is that she has a huge hangover.

She gets up and pulls a hoodie over her head and puts on some slippers. She doesn't even bother to brush out her hair and walks to the front door. Outside it's misty and the roads are wet. She pulls her hoodie tighter and she walks to the small gate with an angry (A/N but adorable) look on her face. She takes a left and walk a few meters before she comes to a stop in front of her lovely neighbour's house.


I'm about to give Mama a piece of my mind.

Taylor walks up to the front door and presses the doorbell. She taps her foot impatiently and puts her and on her hip to try and look intimidating. She waits a few seconds before she hears footsteps on the other side and the door swings open.

As soon as Taylor sees the person on the other side her mouth drops.

Holy fuck

Mama is hot.

She's taller than Taylor which she cannot believe and her skinny jeans make her legs look even longer than they are.

"Hi. I am Karlie, I'm not sure we've met."

The girl sticks out her hand and Taylor almost forgot to shake it.

"Uhm, hi."

Karlie giggles and Taylor swears it's the best thing she has ever heard in her life. Her green eyes stare right through Taylor's soul and she finally remembers the reason why she came over. She clears her throat and stands up straight.

"I am here to ask you to please tell your kids to-"

Karlie starts laughing and Taylor stands there completely dumbfounded.

Why is she laughing? Can she laugh some more? I wonder how she'll sound when she moans my nam-

"I am so sorry, but you don't understand how many people have come over here telling me to keep my kids quiet. I find it hilarious because it's actually impossible to shut them up."

Taylor chuckles and shakes her head.

"I really am sorry. I've tried everything. I just decided to give up. Ever since their father left, it's been really tough on me and them."

Taylor feels sad for the girl, because she knows how hard it is to grow up without a father.

"Hey, it's okay. I'd rather get no sleep than to make two adorable girls sad because they cannot make a hell of a lot of noise."

Karlie laughs and asks, "I never caught your name?"

"It's Taylor."

Karlie leans against the doorframe and smiles.

"Taylor. What a beautiful name."

They stand there and look at each other for a while when Taylor feels a tug on her shorts. She looks down and sees a small girl with green eyes and brown hair.

"Hi there. What's your name?" Taylor asks sweetly.

"My name is Lisa. Are you another one of Mama's special friends?"

Taylor was definitely caught off guard by that question and looked at Karlie standing with her jaw dropped. She mouthed 'It's okay' and bent down to whisper in the girl's ear.

"Not yet, love. This is our little secret, yeah?"

Lisa giggles and nods her head.

"You're really pretty," she says.

"So are you. Why don't you go get your sister so that I can meet her too?"

Lisa runs off excitedly and calls out Carla's name.

"What did you say to her?" Karlie asks.

Taylor smirks and says, "You'll just have to find out."



so uh yeah I've had this idea for a while now. Sorry if it's really bad but I just needed to write it.

If you guys have any ideas or requests I will accept them happily. :)

L.* xxx

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