Arrow to the knee

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//Read 'It hurts everywhere' if you haven't already.

As well as keeping up with your own training, you had asked Barton to teach to archery. There was on one better than him right? The pair of you were outside. He trusted you with his personal bow. You held it the way he showed. Clint stood right behind you watching as you shot the targets. Not quite a pro, but not too bad either.

"I'm pretty good if I do say so myself." You lowered the bow and looked out towards the target you had just hit.

"You'll get better the more you practise." Clint came over and was about to take the bow from you.

"No, I want to practise some more!" You pulled the bow away from his reach and took a couple steps back. He shrugged and walked back to where he stood before. He gestured to the targets as if saying it was fine to carry on.

Getting into stance and pulling out another arrow, you took aim.

Just before the arrow hit the target something flashed by. It wasn't until that something was on the ground in pain did you realize what had happened.

Pietro, though he knew you would be out here, had ran by just as the arrow was reaching the target.

"Shit!" You dropped the bow and Clint followed you as you ran over the injured avenger. "WANDA IS GOING TO KILL ME!" You freaked out.

Pietro had literally taken an arrow to the knee.

Clint hurried to get some help. You sat there panicking over the situation. Pietro was trying his best not to clutch his knee.


A few after trying to stay far away from Pietro while the medics dealt with the arrow in his knee, Clint came to you.

"How is he?" You asked without looking up.

"He's fine. Wanda is with him. It'll take some time, but he'll up and running again."

You let out a sigh.

"He wants to see you." Clint chuckled at the look on your face. You really didn't want to see him. You did shoot him with an arrow. Deciding to fulfil your friend's wish, you stood up and headed to the infirmary.

Pietro was sitting up in one of the beds. Wanda was beside him.

When you entered, Wanda got up and left. You stood awkwardly at the door. Pietro smiled at you.

"She'll forgive you eventually. Come, sit." He gestured to the chair his sister had been sitting in.

You shuffled over and sat down. His smile did not falter.

"I forgive you. To be honest, your training with Barton slipped my mind. As for running across the field, I don't know why I did that." He chuckled. You were surprised he wasn't angry with you.

"I guess this is a bad time to say I told you so?" You shrugged at him with a smile.

He just looked confused.

"Remember? When I got hurt and I asked you how you would feel if you got shot in the leg?"

He looked horrified at the fact you were right.

"I'm not going to be able to run for a while!" He pouted like a child as he slumped back into the bed. You laughed. "As punishment for shooting me with an arrow, you must do everything I ask." He smirked at you.

It was your turn to look horrified.

"Do I have to? Wanda told me you can be really picky when you want to be."

Pietro nodded and crossed his arms.

"Let's start with something easy, get me something to drink."

You let out a huff and stood up. You glared at him as you walked to the door. The next couple weeks weren't going to be fun at all.

Who said it was easy? Avengers x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now