You're in a 5SOS Music Video (Ashton)

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You walk on set holding Ashton's hand. You're going to support him and the band for the shoot of their newest music video: She's Kinda Hot. The main set where they'll be is outside a house and on a parade float looking thing where they'll perform. They'll also be 'building' the float and there are extras doing little scenes too. It'll turn out so good. You were curious about it all when Ashton was explaining everything and you wanted to see it all in person so you tagged along.

In person it was everything you imagined. You couldn't wait to see their new song, anthem basically, come to life. Everyone on the crew waves to you as you walk by, recognizing you immediately of course. You've been with Ashton for a few months but he's taken you everywhere he goes so everybody knows you quite well already. He leads you to wear he'll be changing into his outfit and while you wait you talk to the others.

"Hey, Y/N! Sorry he dragged you to something of ours again." Luke says.

"Oh no I wanted to come this time. I wanted to see all the sets and the float! Everything looks so cool. The float kind of reminds me of Mad Max. Doesn't it?" you comment.

They look at each other like they've just accomplished the greatest feat. "Yes!! That's exactly what we wanted to do! Hopefully other fans see the Mad Max feel we're going for. I knew Ash picked you for a good reason." Michael says.

"HA! Well I'm sure there are other reasons besides my keen observations." you laugh.

"Well yeah I mean you play the drums too! That is so amazing. I don't know if any of us could learn." Calum says.

"Yeah we are pretty good. Aren't we, babe?" Ashton has walked out of the dressing room and come over to you guys.

"Good at what?" he asks putting his arm around you.

"Being badass on a drum set."

"Oh yeah we're awesome. C'mon, it's time to start." He pecks your cheek and lips before running off to the house with the guys.

You go behind the cameras to watch them get positioned outside the house. Ashton decides he wants to be up on the roof away from the others and you shake your head at him. Every once and a while he'll sneak a glance at you and stick his tongue out or wink. But it gets too distracting after a while and the director makes you go to the backstage area out of sight. You laugh before you go to the dressing area where you were before. Luckily you can still see some things from there.

After the house, they do the part where they're 'building' the float. More time than you thought was spent there, but either way you got to see Ashton looking all manly even if he wasn't actually making anything. After that, they got a break while all the special scenes were being filmed with the extras. They came back to where you were to hang out while they waited for the last part, performing on the completed float. All of that was going to be filmed at night so that would be pretty cool.

"Having fun?" you ask as they plop down by you.

"Yeah for sure. Are you having fun?" Ashton asks reaching over to peck your cheek.

"Watching the four of you be total dorks like usual? Definitely. I can't wait to see you perform on the float. With the lights and everything it'll look awesome." They all smile at you. They love that you support literally everything to do with them, plus how vocal you are about it.

"Thanks, we think so too. We'll make sure to rock extra hard for you. Our biggest fan." Luke playfully punches you in the shoulder.

"Ha thanks."

"Guys..I just got a great idea." Calum says after a while. "Y/N should be in this last part of the video, in the crowd." Everyone turns to you for your response.

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