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Chapter one
Taylor falls sick of a bug that almost everyone has had at the office but it is taking her longer to recover then most. Nilsey is lost on what to do and turns to his faithful companion for help.
Not knowing that the black cat would do more then just keep Taylor company.

Credit to: AustralianBaseballer

Nilesy P.O.V

I tipped away the bowl of soup that Taylor hadn't touched. I sighed and cleaned the bowl and spoon before putting them away.

I heard Lyndon's soft meow and the tingle of the bell on his collar as he jumped onto the counter. I look at him and he tilts his head.

"I don't know what to do Lyndon. Taylor's been sick for over a week now. I thought she'd get over it quickly like everyone else. But she seems to have got it worse." I tell him.

He meows in response. I groan. "What am I gonna do Lyn?" I ask rhetorically.

He meows again before jumping off and striding back to Taylors room.

I make a coffee and sit down. I look at my phone to see a message from Hannah.

H: things okay with Taylor?

I sigh and reply.

N: not really. Her temperature has rocketed and she can't keep any fluid or food down. I'm scared she'll get dehydrated.

H: she'll be okay. Think positive yeah? She's tough. Not just anyone can accidentally floor Smiffy.

I chuckle slightly. A few weeks ago Taylor and the Mini Hats were playing and recording Mario cart in the livestream room and me and Hat Films tried to scare them by turning off the lights and making them jump by coming up behind them and grabbing them. But even though it worked. She elbowed Smith in the gut in fright and tripped him. When he lights came back on she was sitting on his back as he laughed and tried to get her off.

N: I know. But I'm still worried. What if she doesn't get better soon? I'll have to take her to the hospital.

H: I know your worried. It's what dads do. Just give her a few more days. She'll be her happy spritley self again in no time. You'll see.

N: I hope so. Record later?

H: for sure

Suddenly I hear running footsteps making their way towards the bathroom. Taylor was throwing up again.

"You okay?" I call to her. Her ghost like self appears in the doorway. Her skin pale and her eyes dull. She was in her Tigger pajama shorts and top with her hair pulled into a lazy ponytail and Lyndon in her arms.

She shakes her head at my question. "I feel worse them what I did when I was trapped at my uncle's." Her voice croaks. I look at her with sympathy.

An almost unoticable smile froms on her cracked lips for a few seconds before disappearing.

"I'm gonna try get a drink." She says quietly. I nod and she wanders into the kitchen.

I wish I could help her.


So here's the first of the stories. Don't forget to keep requesting!


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