Simply Routine

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"Dammit," She screeched as she looked at her pocket watch, "You weren't supposed to get here so fast. You are fifteen minutes early!"

I halted for a second and in my moment of weakness the girl kicked at the sand, the small grains landing in my eyes. I groaned in pain but out of the corner of my eye, I saw her run. Dismissing the stinging sensation, I sank into the shadows, welcoming the ice cold sensation.

In a flash, I pulled out my sword and stepped out in front of the girl. She screamed in shock and tried to run but tripped over her skirt. She threw a rock, but in her panic it missed me entirely. She looked ready to run again but instead she sat back, right down on the sand and laughed.

She laughed and said, "Well, that has to be one of my stupidest plans ever-attempting to outrun an assassin."

I stood ready poised to bring the sword down on her neck when I heard a cry. It was the sound of a baby and the noise was coming from the small bundle in the girl's arms.

And then the girl spoke, "Look sir, I know why you are here. But please won't you grant me one last request," she said, her tone now pleading softly.

I didn't say anything, I merely just waited, my sword still close by her throat, the girl took this as a sign to continue.

"I really hadn't anticipated you finding me so early. But after I found out that I have a bounty on my head, I knew I had to get my brother to my aunt. She lives another ten minutes from here, near the river. So please, I want to die knowing my brother is safe," she pleaded with me.

And then I finally spoke, "How do I know this isn't another deception. What kind of woman lives in the desert?"

At this the girl sighed and said, "Yes it's true my aunt is a river witch, but there isn't much danger she could poise to you, her power is no match for yours."

"And what about you," I questioned.

"What about me,"she finally burst out, "What could I possible do? I've got nothing. You are stronger, faster, and armed with magic. You outmaneuver me in everything. If anything you hold everything over me. But right now I am desperate, and my only choice is to beg and hope that you give me an ounce of mercy."

"Very well girl, but if you try anything, anything at all-I will burn your aunt's house to the ground."

The girl flinched. "Message received."

I ignored her and continued, "Go to you aunt's house, I will follow you. But I expect you to come straight back here," I said as I drew an x mark with my sword."

The girl nodded. "Thank you she said." I didn't reply. I melted into the shadows.


I watched the girl run under the desert stars, her releasing small breaths as she climbed back down the hill. She did well-just as I had instructed and came straight back. I watched her look around as she searched for me.

"Well," she yelled, "Here I am! I did everything you asked of me."

I materialized behind her. "There's no need for incessant yelling," I remarked dryly.

The girl whirled around, dust flying around her. She clasped her chest and snapped, "Was there a need for you to frighten me like so?"

I wanted to laugh, but instead I reached for the opium in my pocket. The next thing I knew the girl flew at me and wrapped her arms around me. She was at least a head shorter than I was so her head rested upon my chest. Almost instinctively my arms awkwardly wrapped around her as well.

"Thank you," she mumbled into my chest. Then she looked up at me and our eyes locked. "Tell me," she whispered, "Did Jahal hire you?"

I narrowed my eyes over my mask but I didn't move an inch. The winds swirled around my cloak spraying bits of sand everywhere, the night stars illuminating the smooth ripples across the sand. The world was completely silent, silent enough that I could hear the small puffs of air, the girl released.

Then she whispered once again, "Does he require proof?" I didn't answer.

In an instant the girl released me and stumbled back, pulling a knife out of her boot. She pointed it at me. I pulled out my sword in a flash and we circled each other poised for attack.

"My whole life, I had no choices-I never got to choose anything. He took everything-everything," she sobbed.

Then slowly she lowered her knife and stumbled back some more. "But for once I want something to be on my terms, because I chose it," she cried softly as if she was tired.

She slashed her throat and dropped to her knees, her knife clattered against the desert floor. The girl gagged and choked as she held her neck, blood streaming down the front of her dress.

She reached out to me with her blood stained hands and mumbled out, "Burn me-burn it all. Don't let him g-g-get me," before she slumped over. I knelt by her body and checked for her nonexistent pulse. Her eyes were still open. 


I swore that I would never write a fanfic. But this is the only exception, of course I will never tell you who my inspiration was, only that they are brilliant.

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-From the author

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