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Hey guys, Arkyz here! So, I was reading, and really enjoying a story written by Awful Writer, and started writing one very similar, but didn't upload it because I felt like it was too similar. However, when he said that he was contemplating putting it up for adoption, I shot him/her a PM, and he/she said I could adopt it! So here we are, first chapter of my version of their story! I hope you all enjoy it! I already decided the pairing will be Perlia, cause it's one of my OTPs. Read on my peeps, and I hope you enjoy this first installment to The Forsaken Hero.

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HOO. If I did, Percy would have been paired with either Thalia or Hestia.

Third person POV:


Perseus was utterly shocked. Treason? After all he'd done for the gods, he was deemed to have committed treason? He looked around the room, scanning the eyes of the other demigods present, looking for someone, anyone that disagreed with this decision. His eyes landed on Annabeth's and, much to his surprise, they were filled with disgust. She mouthed the word traitor and he felt something inside of him break. Annabeth. The one person he would sacrifice his life for, had called him a traitor. He didn't even know what he had done to be accused as one.

Thalia's angry voice broke the silence. 'After all he's done for you. None of you have the slightest problem with this decision? Well I for one, do! Percy saved Olympus, not once, but twice! Twice, damn it! And you all, you all have the nerve to condemn him to a life of exile? I can't believe it! I hope you all burn in-'

Interrupting Thalia, Poseidon shouted, 'That's enough of that daughter of Zeus! This is a small punishment compared to the crime he has committed. If anything, he should be thanking us!'

'Dad plea-'

'Do not call me dad, boy. I no longer have a son. I, Poseidon, god of the seas, hereby takes your power over water from you.'

His own father believed he betrayed Olympus. He couldn't believe his ears. This can't be happening to him. After all those years he had served Olympus, this one mistake had convinced everyone that he was a traitor. In desperate attempt to change their minds, Percy began to explain, 'Hear me out guys. I don't even know what happ-'

Frank cut him off, 'You don't know what? You don't know that you killed them? We trusted you. Hazel trusted you. Nico trusted you. Leo trusted you. And what did they get for it? They got fucking killed,' Frank began to sob. 'You killed her, Percy. You killed her you bastard! We saw you stab their hearts and slit their throats.' The remaining members of the Seven surrounded Frank and comforted him, shooting accusing glares at Percy.

'When did it even happen?' Percy insisted.

Annabeth glared at him. 'Not even thirty minutes after the Hunters arrived at camp. You should know, you were the one who murdered them.'

'I couldn't have killed them then, I was with Thalia in the woods!'

Thalia nodded her head in agreement.

'I know what you look like Perseus, I know it was you that killed them,' Annabeth growled.

'I believe we have all heard enough here. You have fifteen minutes at camp to gather your belongings before you leave. You are officially banished from the land of the gods. Goodbye, traitor,' Zeus snarled. Then, with a flash of blinding light, Percy disappeared.

Thalia POV

Tears streamed from my eyes, blurring my vision. I couldn't believe it, rather, I wouldn't believe it. I wouldn't accept the fact that Percy was gone again, but this time, forever.

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