Upside Down

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Willow sorted through her closet. What would she need for the summer vacation? Shorts, t-shirts, sandals, swimsuits, and probably something nice to wear too, right? She threw a summery dress into the suitcase, just to be on the safe side. Hm, what else would she need besides clothes? Willow looked through her bookshelf, choosing the ones she couldn't live without, and the only one she hadn't read yet. Unable to think of anything else, she threw in her iPod and closed the suitcase.

"Dad?" Willow called, wheeling her suitcase to the front door. Her sister, Vivian, had already put her pink Disney princess bag by the door. Go figure. Vi was always on time for everything. Willow, on the other hand...

"Ready?" the girls' dad called. "I'm just going to finish up packing and then we can get out of here. Florida, here we come!"

Willow rolled her eyes and opened her suitcase to take out her favorite book. Flipping it open to a random place, she sat down and began to read.

"Willow? Willow what's that? Can I see?" Vivian said, walking in. Vi was only eight, Willow thirteen. Their mother had died seven years ago in a freak accident.

"Vi, go away. I'm trying to read," Willow said, annoyed with her sister as usual.

"Okay!" Vi said, plopping down next to Willow and reading over her shoulder. "What does fuck mean?"

"Vi, go away! Seriously, just go play with your Barbies or something."

Vi stuck out her tounge. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!"

"Shut up! And don't tell dad I taught you that." Willow said, going back to her book.


Willow sighed, knowing that it would be a long way to Florida. Little did she know what would happen...

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