Chapter 9

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Many a times, we all suffer from low self esteem, we feel we are not good enough, we're not smart, we can never be rich... etc. (We are all guilty..) But... pause for a minute... have you ever realised God made you perfect, that we are brought here for a purpose, for signs and wonders... that we are all intelligent creatures.. that we all have the capacity to do exploits... (I'm sure you're thinking..not me..) I mean YOU..
Friend, how long will you think negative about yourself, do you realise negativity attracts so many awful things like depression.. which makes ine turn to addictions and then.... no life..

Why don't we believe in ourselves. That's where half of our problems lies.. we think we are not good enough..
Gurl, Boy, you are....
If you think such, that's how you be. Remember thoughts become things. Wake up in the morning young lady...gentleman... and prophesy good things on your life... that you are the best.. you were born to conquer, that you are an overcomer, that this is the next Bill Gates or the next Oprah.. (im sure you're thinkig, is this girl kidding???) I'm not.. these are principles you must learn in life in order  to survive this competitive world..
Look.... who are you not to be?? What stops you. Tell me, what??? Is it your background, your family, your bank account, that relationship, your grammar, your neighbourhood...... tell me. There's no excuse. I've seen people rise up from nothing - rags to riches, from orphans to happily married people with loving to families...... from the ghettos to Manhattan name it...
You are not alone. Down in some suburb, or some village,or some desert, someone is going through exactly what you're going through. Think about it... there's always someone with the same condition as you.... but are you going to let that hinder you when you have such a bright future laying ahead of you......???? Think twice.
Believe in yourself. Tell yourself....that no matter what you will make it..
Who are you not to make it. Who are you not to pass those exams?? Who are you not to get into college, or get that high flying job??? Who are you not too.. your future lays at your fingertips.... what you gonna do?? Sit and groan.... moan and complain.... or get up and do something, Make that move. Apply for thay job. Apply for that IVY-LEAGUE school..
Look..... We've sat down for too long.... and what has happened. Simply, nothing... Let's make that first move towards a clear and bright future, towards a happy marriage and a lovely home, towards that dream college or job.

We've not got to much time. Let's make the best of every second  we've got. Believe in you..... it all begins with you.. your mindset.... your thoughts. Think good and good will come to you.

I'll leave you with a quote from Marianne Wilson; that has inspired me and motivated me to even to write this book:


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