Chapter 2 Instagram

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Instagram is a bad evil place for people like me, I don't know about all the bad things out there yet, I don't need Society pressuring me to wear make up or to be the size of a stick. I don't need the boyfriend and girlfriend stuff and I don't need the cyberbullies eating away at my page.

However when I saw a picture begging for help I commented, when I saw a picture of a girl in my class saying she wasn't good enough for the world, I commented screw the world, your good enough for everyone else .  I didn't realise that one tiny comment was the beginning of some much more.

I was doing my usual like every picture on my feed thing, when my phone let out a little battery dying ping, letting me know someone had just messaged me, unusual.

It read message from Alby, the girl from earlier.
Alby: hi
Me: hello
Alby: thx for commenting such a nice thing on my post .
Me: you're welcome.
Alby: how come you never speak at school.
Me: because I'm never spoken to only at.
Alby:you seem to understand me, can I tell you something.
Me: sure.

I was young and I felt happy that someone had finally noticed me, my hands shook as I waited for the next message to come through. My room was dark and the only thing lighting it up was my phone, teenager before my time I guess.

Alby: I sometimes feel really shitty.
Me: why is that?
Alby:okay what I'm about to tell you is top secret, you can't tell anyone.
Me: I promise I'll never tell a soul
Alby: good girl.

As you can clearly see I was a young hopefully girl thinking I'd finally talked my way to popularity, I was so wrong.

Alby: I self harm
Alby: hello?
Alby: Eva?
Alby: you still there?

What was I supposed to say? I was frozen to the screen just re-reading those three words I self harm. I'd never come across anything like it, I was 11 for god sake what was I supposed to do? But finally my 11 year old brain came to the conclusion that I needed to go all councillor on her ass.

Me: why?
Alby: because the world is a cruel place.
Me: not all of it.
Alby: you wouldn't know, sorry if I keep blocking you out I just find it hard to talk.
Me: that's okay, I'm pretty hard to get rid of.

My mind kept racing and my hands just wouldn't stop shaking, I don't know if I was scared or just filled to the brim with adrenaline but I couldn't just stop God damn shaking!  I read a lot and I thought I could be the one to help her, be a hero of some sort maybe but no.

Alby: I feel like the world is against me.
Me: how?
Alby: people don't like me.
Me: at least they know you! Your like the most popular girl at school.
Alby: you have no idea.

It was gone 3 by the time I told her good night and I had to drag my butt away from my phone. I had to get up for school in just under 3 hours. Er.
I'll tell you more about that day later got to go now.
Yours truly,

Hope you guys like liked this chapter!! More coming soon! Also just a quick note the next chapter kind of changes tenses slightly (for the better though.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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