The Stars

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He would hear stories told to him when he was a small lad. Just a tiny thing, on the streets. He would hear hushed stories in dark allies that told of winged creatures that would prey on humans and paint their faces of their blood. Of course all the stories were different in a way. Some said they weren't humans, others said they were humans who had found the fountain of youth! Either way, it excited him! He wanted to see one, to ask one so many questions, to even be one. With wings, so he could fly high in the sky too, like they said they do. He yearned for it and often fell asleep gazing at the stars. He often wondered if they could fly as high as to touch them...Touch the stars.
These amazing and wild dreams of the future, they were his hope. The thing he held onto. He didn't have much of a home. His mother was often gone, though he loved her dearly and loved spending time with her when she was around in the wee hours of the morning. But these dreams, were before all the bad things happened. Before his mother died, before the heavy shade of loneliness casted over him like a thick cloak. He always had stars in the very very back of his mind, always.
The door to the shabby apartment closed very silently. The person was trying to not make a single sound. The woman, black ebony hair in a tight messy bun, slowly crept through the small living room. "..Mommy?" A small voice called. She jumped and turned the light on, turning to the voice. "Oh!...Levi? Baby what are you doing awake, it's very late!" She said worryingly. She herself was very tired and needed sleep. "I'm happy you're in is all mommy. Remember what I told you? I'll always been awake to tell you hi when you come in," he explained sleepily hugging his checkered blanket to his chest. Her eyes softened and her small frame made its way to him. "Aw I remember! Come on, it's time to sleep. I don't know about you but I am tired!" She huffed with a silly tired expression on her face, making her son smile. "Tell me about the stars mommy!" He begged. "Please oh please!" He became more lively as he went on. She smiled as he climbed into the small, old bed that creaked loudly. She tucked him in. "About how those people up there fly, their wings so long and soft and they can see..*yawwn*...see everything.," he mumbled the last part. She smiled softly, letting out a meek giggle at his childish wants. "Sure sweetheart.." She brushed his hair to the side and checked her watch. 3:24 a.m. My poor son.. She thought but hurried on with what she always told him. "They look just like us. They fly so so high though, their wings so strong. Their wings come in all sorts of colors and sizes. Sometimes if you look up-" she paused as she saw her baby boy drift off into sleep. She leaned in and placed a kiss on his forehead, wishing him sweet dreams and turned off the lamp that lacked a lamp shade...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 ⏰

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