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-Sarah's pov-

You: Hello

Calum: hey :-)

Calum: You texted me :-)

You: yes indeed I did.

Calum: How was Target?

You: pretty grand, you?

Calum: Fine I guess.

You: Cool cool

Calum: yeah.

You: So um.. 

Calum: I'm not usually awkward by the way

You: Oh.. I am. 

Calum: You're beautiful. You really are.

You: well thanks

Calum: Anytime, love

You: So what do you like to do?

Calum: I'm in a band.. we kinda suck.

You: Oh, really? Are you well known? Radio?

Calum: Yeah um you could say "well known"

Calum: We kind of opened the Teen Choice Awards... We sang She's Kinda Hot

You: OH! oh my fucking god. I mean, I'm not a fan or anything but.... hell, you're famous.

Calum: I mean.... I guess?

You: haha okay

Calum: Just because I'm in a band... does that mean you won't talk to me?

You: No! No of course not. You're music is pretty good too.

Calum: Thanks :)

You: Anytime.

Calum: So what do you like to do?

You: meh.. I draw sometimes. I also fangirl over Halsey. 

Calum: Basic Bitch

You: Um.. ok then.


Calum: Don't be mad :-(

Calum: Sarah! Don't leave! :-(((



I mean... really short update but whatever.


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