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HEY READERS! Please comment your opinions and vote! BTW, this chapter is so sad. I was also emotional when I was making this chapter. Haha!



Bella's POV

Harry and I went to the mall to eat lunch. The nearest restaurant was TGI Fridays. So we ate there and I went to the comfort room.

Harry's POV

So when we went to TGI Fridays, and a girl fell to me and we were both at the ground.

Bella's POV

When I went out the comfort room, I saw harry with a random girl at the ground. They were about to...... I was staring at them and I was about to cry.

They were getting up.

"B-Bella, I can explain." Harry said

I rushed to the door and I went to Louis's house and quickly packed my bags.

"Bella, where are you going? " Louis asked

I did not answer. I was crying that time.

"Bella, why are you crying?" Niall asked

I did not answer and rushed to the door and went I decided to go to the airport and buy some tickets to go to the Philippines. Flight is tomorrow.

"Bella! Wait! Where are you going?!?" The boys shouted but I lost them.

Louis's POV

"Why is Bella like that?" Zayn asked

"I dont know! And why is she carrying her bags?!" I said

"Oh no. Let's call Harry" Liam said

"Hello? Harry?" I said

"Louis?" He said

"Ya. What's wrong with Bella? She left the house and she was crying and carrying her bags." I said

No response.

"Harry? You still there?" I asked

I think I heard Harry crying... He ended the call. Harry got home.

"Harry?! Why is Bella crying? What did you do to her?" I asked

" I-I can explain!" He said. He told us the whole thing.

"Oh. Then why did she bring her bags? " Liam asked

"Let me check the closet in her room" Niall said

"All of her things are gone" Niall said

Harry started crying. We called Thea, Lara and Trina and they had no idea where she is. We also called Bella but she's not answering. I think I know where she's going.. Because she brought her bags.


Bella's POV

I packed all of my things and I wore light blue pants and white sleevless with the word 'FOREVER YOUNG' and flats.

I went to the Airport and the boys were chasing me and yelling. How did they know I was at the airport?!

"BELLA! WAIT!" They all said

I ran fast as I can and I was boarding already and "Bella!" Harry yelled softly

I glanced at them and I felt tears drop on my cheek.

Harry's POV

She's gone. What have I done..

"Sorry, Haz." They all said

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