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Dan's POV

I can't wait. Today I can finally see Phil. My Phil.

Me and Phil have been going out for a while now but we live so far away. I can't wait to see him in person. I just want to stare into his deep blue eyes. I could stare into his eyes forever.

At the moment I'm sat on the train, waiting to arrive at my destination. Where I belong.

I pull out my phone and begin to listen to Fall Out Boy. I soon start to hum along and I find myself smiling widely. I just can't wrap my head around it. Phil is mine.

Unless he's been playing me. What if this is all a joke. What if he's waiting at the train station with his girlfriend for boyfriend, anticipating my arrival so that they can laugh at me. I can't do this.

Would Phil do this to me? Have I just been played?

I can't take it. I close my eyes whilst listening to Muse, which has found its way to my ears. Soon falling into slumber, I have Phil and only Phil on my mind.

I'm running through the forest. Tears streaming down my face. I cant believe it. I knew it was too good to be true. Why would anyone ever like me? Why am I so stupid?

I come to a halt. What do I do? Where do I go? I have nothing. He was my everything. More tears begin to fall down my cheeks. Just the though of him hits me in the heart. Phil.

The one I loved. The one I still love. I miss him so much. Why did I run away? Why did I get off the train?

I was scared. I can't believe myself. If I had waited until I arrived in Manchester I would be with him. Possibly wrapped in his arms. Protected by him.

But instead I ran. I ran because I was scared. I ran from one problem and straight into another.

I met Luke when I got off the train. I thought he loved me. I thought he cared. I thought he was scared.

I wake with a shock. I begin crying. Why am I stupid? I need to give him a chance. I need to face him, at least see him. I need to face my fears.

Next stop London.

I look out of the window and see the Manchester Eye.

Here I come Phil. I whisper.


The train comes to a halt and I feel my heart racing. I contemplate hiding in the train. Maybe I could head back home.


I promised myself I would at least face him.

I grab my bag and leave the carriage. I walk a few steps and place my bag on the ground, pulling out my phone.

Checking my message I see I have no new messages. I place my phone back in my pocket and glance around. As my eyes scan the large crowd, I spy a pair of blue eyes. They lock with my brown ones and I know that I've found Phil.

As soon as it clicks in his brain that it's me. He begins to run. And so do I. I run straight into his arms.

I must be squeezing him so hard but he doesn't notice or doesn't mention it. He just carries on hugging me.

After a while we pull away and he stares into my eyes. I take this as an opportunity to scan his face. He's even more beautiful in person.

I'm snapped out of my trace as I feel his hand caress my cheek. I look into his eyes and be leans in.

Our lips soon meet and I forget everything. This is where I'm meant to be. With Phil.

And as we stand there, our lips connected. I'm glad I stayed in the train.

This is 2009. The year that changed everything. They year that gave me Phil.

A/N So this is terrible. But I don't care. I love Dan and Phil and I am a hardcore Phan shipper. Please let me know what you think. red_like_roses_752 ThisWillBeTheDay KatieAnn354 Let me know what you thoughts. It's still crap. I've just read the first couple of lines. I use 'I' a lot. Oh well. BTW This was written in my iPhone and quite frankly. It autocorrects a lot of stuff.

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