Tobin got up, feeling groggy. She took a shower and got ready for camp.

"Hey Moe" Tobin passed Moe by on the field. Moe didn't return her hello.

What's wrong with her? Tobin thought. Is it something from last night? Tobin couldn't remember what happened last night. She hoped she didn't do something stupid.

Megan stopped Moe, and smiled at her.

"So, how was your night with Tobin?" Megan had a sly smile.

"Meg, she thought I was Alex" Moe was heartbroken.

"That's rough kid. But hey, she was drunk. People say and do crazy things when they're drunk" Megan tried to cheer her up.

"But when they're drunk they usually tell the truth" Moe complained.

"Hey kid, I can't help you on that one. All I can say is that maybe Tobin is too tough to get to. She's got Alex and all that. Plus, who can compete with Alex?" Megan said, and that made Moe feel better, but not really.

Christen didn't know how she ended up in Kling's room. She was rooming with Tobin. Then, one named flashed in her head.

Morgan Brian.

She brought her away from Tobin. She slept with Tobin!

Christen was furious. All through practice she took out her rage by really body slamming Moe to the ground. One time she hit her so hard that Moe lost her breath. She sat on the ground, arms behind her head, searching for air.

"Christen what's gotten into you?" Carli stepped between Moe and Christen.

"It's personal" Christen growled. Carli stayed out of it.

After practice, Christen found Tobin.

"Hey Tobin" Christen grinned.

"Hi Christen" Tobin gave her a million dollar smile.

"So, um...what do you remember from last night?" Christen asked. She wanted to know if Tobin was aware of sleeping with Moe.

"I don't really remember, to be honest" Tobin gave an embarrassed laugh.

"Oh" This didn't help Christen.

"Why? Do you know what happened? And do you know why Moe is mad at me?" Tobin asked.

"Moe is mad at you?" Now this was something new. Why would Moe be mad if she already slept with Tobin?

"Yeah, she's been avoiding me and giving me the silent treatment" Tobin looked down.

Christen sighed.

"It's probably something else. It's no big deal, you probably didn't do anything wrong" Christen cheered Tobin up.

"Thanks Press" Tobin smiled lightly.

Christen made her way over to Moe.

"So Tobin huh" Christen said, catching Moe off guard.

"What?" Moe asked. As much as she loved Tobin, that name was the last name she wanted to hear right now.

"Answer one question, and you have to be honest" Christen said. Moe nodded. "Did you or did you not sleep with Tobin"

"I did not. It stopped before anything could happen" Moe said grudgingly.

Christen was confused. Moe didn't sleep with her? Christen was also pretty relieved.

"Oh. And uh, sorry about earlier. I was pretty mad about something and you were always in the way.." Christen apologized.

"That's okay" Moe smiled. Christen felt bad. She took her rage out on someone who didn't deserve it.

Christen later found herself reading an upsetting book, called the Fault in Our Stars.

A year slipped down her cheek.

Poor Gus. He didn't live long enough to get married. Christen thought. She sighed.

"Chris?" Tobin asked, walking in the room.

"Yes?" Christen quickly wiped away another tear.

"I was-wait, are you crying?" Tobin asked.

"It's the book" Christen said, displaying the cover for Tobin. Tobin smiled.

"Anyway, I was wondering, what do you want to do tonight?" Tobin asked.

You know what I want to do. It's not a what. It's a who. Christen chuckled at her thought.

"What?" A grin began to appear on Tobin's face.

"Nothing" Christen smiled again.

"So what do you want to do?" Tobin asked again.

"Movie?" Christen gave an idea.

"Sure. Which one? I've got a few" Tobin says.

They picked a movie, and sat next to each other on the coincidental love seat.

The movie they picked was the Notebook.

To Christen's surprise, Tobin cried at the end.

Christen cried a little, but when she saw Tobin crying, she stopped.

"Wow" Tobin said, wiping away a tear. "That was pretty depressing" She laughed.

"Yup" Christen nodded.

"Anyway, I think I've figured out who the gay girl is" Tobin said.

"Wh-who?" Christen gulped.

"Well," Tobin said, sitting close to Christen.

"She's pretty, has nice eyes and hair," Tobin went on, and Christen's mind went wild.

Is she talking about me? Or Moe? Or Alex? Wait. We already know about Alex. Then who could it be? Julie?

"Do you have an idea who I'm talking about?" Tobin raised an eyebrow, staring Christen down.

"Not really" She smiled.

"Let me continue" Tobin cleared her throat. "She has a good body, adorable laugh, and a hot smile"

Christen was going crazy.

"Tobin just tell me who, enough hints!" Christen was restless.

"One more thing" Tobin smiled, they were so close.

"What?" Christen asked.

"Her name is Christen" Tobin whispered, then leaned in and kissed Christen.

"Did you mean it all?" Christen asked, Tobin leaning over her a little bit.

"Every word" Tobin kissed her and her hat fell off. They didn't notice it. Tobin crawled onto Christen.

"Tobin, I don't want you doing this just 'cause I like you" Christen said.

"Christen, you have always been on my list" Tobin laughed.

They made out, the young forward's hands finding the midfielder's shirt and tugging it over her head.

Christen caressed Tobin's body, as they got a little tongue action.

Tobin yanked Christen's clothes off, before taking her own off.

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