Why Bully?

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Ok so we all know that we've bullied someone at some point.
But Why?

One day I was walking to school and my clumsy self tripped over a rock. And it had to be the time Brandon was walking to school and saw me, he started laughing and his gang of friends joined him. I felt so embarrassed, so I ran to school with tears running down my face. When I arrived at school I went straight to class without talking to any of my friends. At lunch I sat by myself my friends wondered what was going on. After school Sara (one of my friends) went to my house. "Hello" "hi" we said. I told her why i was upset all day, she comforted me to make me feel better. The next day the boys were following me to school I could hear there whispering and giggle. A tear ran down my face as my head looked down to the grown I walked with no confidence. When I arrived at school the boys pushed me and I fell to the ground crying and embarrassed I ran to the bathroom. I was crying in one of the stalls
A girl walked in and heard me she ask if I was ok I didn't respond. She said her name was Keira. I walked out slowly out of the stall and looked up and what I saw was a smile on her face. Then suddenly one grew across my face.

I hope from reading this you will make someone smile when they're feeling down.Don't be a bully be a friend.Today look at someone you really care about and give them a warming smile.
And If you do bully ask yourself why.

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