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Dub's Academy.........

The room was quite noisy. Students were talking about fashion shows, new clothes and dresses, shopping and all the girly stuffs.

Our main protagonist just sat there in the corner reading a book without a care in the world. And who is she? Well she is Maine Mendoza. She's good looking, she came from a VERY wealthy family, she has brains, and she's very kind, in short she's almost perfect. Because of that most of the girls envied her that's why she only has a few friends. Going back to the story.

The noise turned down as the teacher came in the room. Maine shut her book and turned her attention to the professor.

"Class I have an announcement to make. Please listen. " said the teacher.

Since no one uttered a word she continued, "The Bae Academy and our school decided to exchange student, meaning one of you will attend to their school for about one month and one of their students will be studying here for one month."

An excited whisper filled the room because they all know that Bae Academy has the most gorgeous students.

"Oh my god, oh my god, I really hope it was me."
"Hey don't be too ambitious, it is I who will be chosen"
"What? Excuse me, you know that I'm better than you"
"Hahaha you're just a bunch of idiots. Can't you see that I'm the best?"

An argument was formed and students started yelling claiming that they deserve to be chosen as the exchange students.

"Why do they need to argue over something so trivial?" Maine whispered to her seat mate and best friend Patricia.

"Well I can't blame them since this is an all girls school they are too excited to see some males" Patricia answered with a mocking voice.

Maine laughed whole heartedly and shook her head answering, "As if they haven't seen a male in their whole lives."

"With their reactions, I think they haven't seen one" replied Patricia.

"Oh wait! Your boyfriend is studying at the Bae Academy right? What was his name again?" Asked Maine.

"Yes and his name is Sam." Answered Patricia.

Their conversation was cut short because the teacher decided to interfere with the arguments.

"Girls please act like a lady. Mind you, you don't have to fight for the place because we've already chosen who is our exchange student." Said the teacher.

The whole class was silenced because of what she said. Everyone's attention is now focused on the teacher. The students held their breath as they waited for the teacher to continue.

"And our chosen student is none other than Miss Maine Mendoza." The teacher declared.

Maine's eyes grew wide and all she can say is "Whaaaaaat?!"


Meanwhile in the Bae Academy.....


The student who will be attending the Dub Academy is Kenneth ! Medrano" Announced the teacher.

A loud uproar filled the classroom as they congratulate their classmate who was chosen.

"Kenneth bro, you're one lucky man" said Kim.
"Damn man, now you get to meet lots of beautiful and sexy ladies."
"Yeah right, that must be heaven."

The class continued on celebrating.

Our other main protagonist remained silent with a bored look on his handsome face.

"Hey Alden, don't sulk because you were not chosen" Sam his friend tried to console him.

"Hey what are you talking about? I'm not sulking, I'm just bored." Alden answered.

"What do you mean you're bored? Hello... We are just talking about the studying in the Dub Academy." Said Sam.

"And sooooo?" Alden said.

"Man are sure you don't know anything about that school?" Asked Sam.

"Uhmmmm... it's an all girls school?" Answered Alden.

"Exactly! An all girls school with pretty and rich students." Answered Sam.

"Urgg.. I have no problems with girls but I don't like brats." Said Alden.

"Sam I think you're forgetting about something." Alden uttered.

"Uh-uhhmm. What is it?" Sam said nervously.

"May I remind you that you already have a girlfriend and she's currently studying in the school you were just praising bout having pretty girls?" Said Alden with a smirk on his lips.

"Hehehe sorry." Sam said while scratching his head.

The excitement died down as the teacher started discussing.


All eyes turned to her as they heard the teacher's announcement. Hushed whispers was heard from the disappointed girls.

One girl stood up and said "Ma'am why do you have to choose her?"

Maine was snapped out of her shock because of her classmate's outburst. She stood up and said, "Yeah! Why me? I don't want to be a part of this"

"Girls stop it! Our decision is final and irrevocable. Please take your seats so I can start my lesson" the teacher said sternly.

Maine sat down with a helpless look on her face. She turned to Patricia as if asking her for help but Patricia just shook her head. They both know that they cannot do anything about it so Maine just have to accept it. 'What did I do to deserve this' Maine thought forlornly. Maine can't even focuse on the lesson. Her mind was busy thinking of how she would survive in an all boys school.

Author's Note:
Hi there!! This is my first story so please leave comments behind. Thanks! Aldub you all..

EXCHANGE STUDENT (ALDUB)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz