ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ ᔕI᙭ (Melody's Point Of View)

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From leaving the store, we go to the mall security office, the entire mall is closed, but security remains.
"Ugh!" screams Pacifica. "We need a mall key card to get in, there's no other way we're gonna know where Mabel is, this mall is huge!"
"Well." I say. "You know that I used to work here!" I pull a key card out of my wallet and scan it, as the door flies open.
"Ladies first." Says Soos scarily. Pacifica and I laugh.
"Come on Pacifica." I say. "We'll handle this ourselves."

We barge into the door, the security guards lie asleep on the ground.
"What caused this?" Says Pacifica.
"I think I know what." I say as we look over at the knocked out men. "I think our little friend has been here."
I point my finger at the monitor screens. Every screen has been smashed, so we're unable to find Mabel. "We're going to need to find her ourselves." Says Pacifica.

"Okay, Soos, Dipper, the screens are smashed, we're gonna need to find Mabel ourselves." I say as we walk out the security room door.
"Then let's get up the escalator!" Yells Dipper as we run, once we reach the second floor we split up, I go with Soos, and Dipper goes with Pacifica.
"Make sure you don't bump into any of her minions." Says Dipper. "I have a feeling that witch isn't alone."

We part ways and Soos and I start our journey, looking through every store to find any hints about Mabel.
"Woah sweet the food court!" Yells Soos. "Everyone's knocked out! We could totally go eat everything!"
"Believe me Soos, I'd love to." I say. "But we need to save Mabel!"
"Okay!" Laughs Soos. "But I'm taking some onion rings!"

We walk through the hallways, the lights flicker every so often, let's just hope we can get this witch out of here. Several tall mean suddenly appear before us, dressed in sharp leather jackets and ripped jeans, their mouths smile revealing fangs, and leathery wings stretch out from their backs.
"Leave now." They cackle in unison.
"Try me." I say. They charge, and Soos and I prepare to attack.

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