CHAPTER TWELVE - The Sad Fish and the Yellow Octopus

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Chapter 12



The waves rushed in to tug at the corpse, and women's wailings began anew.


I trudged back to Demon. The walk back was dreadful. The wet sand stuck to my feet, and I could feel my toes sinking beneath the accursed black sand.

Then the sand suddenly dropped beneath me, and I screamed and flailed my hand for some grip - somewhere.

A leathery hand caught my arm. My heart nearly stopped in relief.

"Watch w-where you w-walk, misssy," a voice warned, a little hissy like an aggravated water snake and hoarse like he'd once screamed for days without end.

Like a disjointed, shattered screaming of words.

My skin crawled, and I snatched my arm away the moment he set me back on land. My fingers scrabbled discreetly for a twig. Anything to shove into his eyes. Because any threat to Demon couldn't be allowed to live.

"If I ha-hadn't buh-be-been pa-patrolling, w-w-who kno-ows what would have h-happened," he said.

"I d-don't w-want ta s-careds youse b-but if I ha-hadn't buh-be-been pa-patrolling y-you would've f-fal-len into that pit," he continued. "And the Blue Ringer trap The Demon Watch had set for the blight would've k-k-kil-kil-led - killed - ya instead." His sad eyes turned even more morose.

I paused to peer down the pit. The sparkling of water.

A tiny yellow creature with blue-ringed spots billowed in the water.

The Blue Ringed octopus. A few years ago, in Khoel, a man named Eater had died after devouring it.

I scrambled away from the pit.

The old man - Priest - sighed and cocked his head in exasperation. The black curtain of hair covering his face swayed. "Now I've gotta call the rest of the watch to hide the pit again."

"Do you want me to do it for you?" I blurted. "Your back looks painful." I glanced pointedly at his hunched back.

"No thank you," he said politely. "Can't l-let a b-blind g-g-girl like youse risk running into an-na-nother one of our t-traps."

I faked a pleading crease of my eyebrows.

"Don't want more blood on my hands. You could die from the number of booby traps we have around our temple," he said.

The temple must be the hide-out of the Demon Watch. I reminded myself to tell Demon.

"You sure?" I asked.

I clenched my fist and mentally prayed for him to accept it. Once he did, he would have to tell me the temple's secret location. After he tells me, I will push him down the pit. And I wouldn't be calling anyone. Except Demon to help me bury him.

Once I've proved that I wasn't nice, Demon would reveal what Priest had done and we would grow even closer.

It was catching three fishes with one net: creepy Priest's death, Demon's safety, and strengthening our friendship.

'Please accept, please accept.' I prepared myself to push him down the pit. It would be difficult, considering that his unusual strength. He had carried me from the pit rather effortlessly after all. I wormed my hand into the sand to hide its trembles. Nevertheless, I trusted that I could do it.

"No," he said sternly.

"Alright," I muttered.

I ignored his proffered hand and stood up, annoyed that my plan had been foiled. But I was a little glad that I didn't have to go through with it.

"You sssure you'll be fa-fine, misssy?" he asked in a queer tone. "Demon p-p-prowling around here, can't be sure of your safety."

"Yes," I replied, equally as sternly as he had.

Priest chuckled. It sounded more like a croak, but it made me feel even more guilt at my gladness that he was still alive.

"Alright," he said, but pressed on. "But are you sure you don't want someone to guard you? Our children are precious, and I'd hate to see you abducted by him! Have you seen the child on the beach?"

"Please reconsider," he insisted.

Abducted by Demon? I didn't think he was alright.

His fingers twitched and he inched closer.

I swallowed. I didn't think he was alright at all.

I stepped back.

"You know, you look remarkably similar to Frond," he mumbled. "Did the b-b-b-bast-tard i-imp-p-pregn-n-nate her?"

I took another step back. Bastard? Was that the name of some Likaen? Or had he meant mustard and his peculiar lisp messed up the pronunciation?

But that didn't make sense either.

I shook my head. Everything was too complicated.

So I focused on what I did best: I ran.

"L-l-lotussss! Ssssweetheart don't r-r-r-r-ru-un-run a-ah-ah-aw-w-w-w-w-way!" he cried, desperation and fear crippling his speech.

I sprinted faster, shuddering as I ran. His sobs were eerily reminiscent of those of the women who had lost their child.

Priest reached out to grab me but he was old and slow. He missed, and I left him wailing in the dust.


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