Chapter Four

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There were no alarms telling anyone to get out of bed that morning. Emil woke up not knowing where he was for a few seconds, then finally realising that he was in his brother's bed. The funny thing was that it was the first time in years that he had actually slept properly. It felt amazing. There was a small imprint next to him, most likely left by Lukas, who had probably gotten out of bed earlier. How much earlier, Emil didn't know until he rolled over and saw the time on the clock that sat on Lukas' bed side table.

10:30 am, Tuesday.

"Shit," Emil muttered under his breath, stumbling out of bed, suddenly energised by a rush of panicky adrenaline that ran through him. "Lukas!" He shouted angrily.

"Mm?" Came a relaxed reply from the kitchen. Emil followed the voice, collapsing onto the walls occasionally because his legs hadn't fully woken up. Once he reached the kitchen he stopped and gave Lukas the pissiest look he could muster.

"Why the hell didn't you wake me up?" Emil demanded.

"Because I didn't think that you should go to school today, especially because of last night," Lukas explained, maintaining his relatively uninterested tone as he continued to type on his laptop with – probably about his third – cup of coffee for the day steaming next to him.

"To hell with that, I'm going to be late!" Emil argued as he began to hurriedly sort out his morning coffee and smear a thick layer of Nutella onto a slice of bread.

"Since when do you care so much?" Lukas questioned with a laugh that seemed quite condescending to Emil. "I thought you hated school and never wanted to go."

"I care because I don't want Leon to think I'm bitching out on him already," Emil argued, disappearing into his bedroom.

"Language," Lukas mentioned, not seeming very affected by Emil's cussing.

"To hell with that too. If I can speak three languages, I should be allowed to cuss in all them." The house was quite small, in fact, small enough to continue a conversation from any point in the house and not have to shout too much. Emil threw his uniform on, not caring how messy he looked and quickly raked his hands through his hair.

"Do you really have to argue it that way?" Lukas complained.

"Yes, yes I do. Now lay off before I start swearing in Danish at you." Emil reappeared in the kitchen, throwing his bag onto a vacant stool and pouring his coffee into a travel mug.

"You know how to swear in Danish?" Lukas queried, almost choking on his drink.

"Don't you?"

"No." Emil gave a smirk.

"Didn't the kids at school teach you how to swear?" Emil teased. Lukas gave a disapproving look as he handed Emil's bag over, still half opened with papers and books sticking out from just about every single direction. Emil grabbed it with a nod and stole an apple from the fruit bowl at the end of the bench.

"The kids at school taught me how to draw magic circles for demon summoning instead of cursing in Danish," Lukas explained lazily, still not looking up from his work.

"Oh, dritte!" Emil exclaimed.

"What did I just tell you? Even if it's in Norwegian it still counts!" Lukas huffed.

"Don't care. I need you to write me a note for me being late, especially seeming that it's your fault."

"Ugh, fine," Lukas groaned as he got out a pen and paper and started writing agonisingly slowly.

"Hurry up!" Emil whined like a child. Lukas sighed and wrote a little faster and once he had finished, the note was snatched from underneath his hand and Emil ran for the door – almost forgetting his shoes – and jogging to school.

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