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A/N: Hey everyone!! This is my first story, so please work with me, I am open to any suggestions! I hope u like it!!

(Ellington has many names, they r ell, e-rat, Ratliff, Ellington)

(Ok so, Riker is 16,Rydel and Ell r 14, Kelly is 14, Rocky is 12, Ross is 11 and Ryland is 9!)

(So Rydel and her brothers r at Rage bc Rydel is teaching students and her brothers how to dance)

Rydel's pov
Rydel: "Ok guys, from the top one last time and then we will have a 10 minute break", I said tiredly

Everyone: "Ok, thank u" they said back to me

(They do the routine again and the stop for the break. Everyone is chillin and Rydel walks over to her brothers, when a boy comes in with a 'band thing')

Rydel: "hey guys", I say walking up to my brothers

Riker: "hey sis, who r those ppl?" Riker said to me, and I had no idea

Rydel: "ummmmm....... I have no idea. I will go ask, bc I don't think they r aloud to be in here." I say, unsurly as I walk over to a tall, brown haired boy

Ellington: "guys, move it over just a bit. They r very picky with the way that everything is set out...." He half yells

Rydel: "ummm..... Hi, I'm Rydel. What r u doing here, with all that stuff" I ask/say politely

Ratliff: "ugh, hi Rydel, I'm Ellington Ratliff, I am putting this here for the band/music and dance night", he said in a gentle voice, it sounded soothing.

Rydel: "oh ok then, nice meeting u Ellington." I say politely and walk off, back to my brothers

Rocky: "so who was it? And what was he doing? Rocky said to me

Rydel: "his name is Ellington Ratliff and he is setting up for the music and dance night here at rage" I said, talking to all of them

Ross: "cool, r we going to the night thing?" He asked Riker and me

Riker nodded and then I did too

(Break was over so we went over the routine 9 more times and then everybody headed home, on our way me and Ross saw Ellington, riding his skate board up our street)

Rydel: "hey Ellington" I yelled in his direction, but he looked over and fell off his board and he hit his head. "Hey r u ok? I'm sorry" I say in a panicked voice, helping him up as riker ran towards us helping him inside

Ratliff's pov
I heard yelling coming from up the street a little, so when I turned to look I saw Rydel, and then I fell off my skate board I was riding home. I then hit my head hard

Rydel raced over to me and then some guy, guessing by the resemblance that is her brother. She says "hey r u ok? I'm sorry" as she and her brother take me to her house

Stormie's pov (The lynches mum)
I heard the door open and then realised that the kids were home so I said "hey guys, how was today? And who is that and what happened to him?? I said pointing towards the unconscious, brown haired boy

Ok, so please tell me what u guys think of my first chapter, I'm sorry that there is not much going on but it will get better trust me! Remember any suggestions plz tell me this was also my first story so..... Ya know!

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