Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Another house added to the long list of things my family can afford. Another grand house for my family to live in, another place for my family to nogotate deals. The perks of being a billionaire's son. I have way more things then I could possibly need or want for that matter. I hate how my parents flaunt their wealth every where they go. I see the way people look at us and I hate it. My new room was as big as a small house with its own bathroom and a walk in closet for my many suits and dress shoes. I looked in the full length mirror on the wall as I entered. I saw a tall, proper figure. He had neatly placed, slicked back, chocolate hair. He had on a freshly pressed suit and newly shined shoes. I looked again and saw a man I was forced to be because of my blood line. I was forced into this life of riches and business but this isn't the life I want, I don't want riches. I don't want people's stares as we drive by in our Lamergeanie's. I don't want girls throwing themselves at me because they want gifts that my family's money can bring them. I just want to be normal. I want to go to a public school, I want to play sports other than golf and tennis. I want a girl to like me for me. If only I could convince my parents of that life.

"Finnegan your presences is need in the family room." Our Butler Arthur notified me. "I'll be right down thank you Arthur." I dismissed him. I headed down the long stairwell to our family room. This one looked very different from our house in our homeland. The amount of white in this room you would think it was winter. I was the last of my family to arrive. All of my brothers and sisters stood in there birth order as I took my spot at the front of the line. Our parents taking the spot I'm front of us. They way they stood you would think they were King and Queen. I suppose in a way that is true. "Children." My mother started looking at her six children. First me, then my brother Harold, after Harold there is Mary and two years later there was Amber then the twins four years later Charles and Charlotte. "Welcome to our new house." My mother said. "We will be living in this house for the next two year at least as our new investment grows." My father said very proud of his new connections.

After the big family meeting I headed back to my room and slid off my clothes. I splashed some water on my face and let out a sigh. Frustrated with this life I threw my designer tooth brush and holder out the door into my neat and tidy bedroom. "Sir is everything alright?" I jumped at Arthur's voice alarming me. "I didn't hear you come in." I told him. He looked at the shattered holder on the floor. "I can clean that up." I told him before he went to send for a maid. "Mr. Finnegan I have watched you grow up I know when something is bother you. Sit." He said motioning to my bed. "Talk." He said. "I don't want this life." I told him. "I just want to be a normal teen I don't want people to see me as better than them because of my parents money." I explained. "I want to go to a public school." I told him almost begged of him to find away that I could. "Finnegan if your parents found out." He started but I cut him off. "They won't they don't even care about our grades or know are teachers names. You know that, you're the one that goes to the goes to everyone's conferences." I looked at him with hope. "There may be a way." He said sighing. "But you're going to have to change your appearance." He said ruffling my hair handing me glasses that I never use. "I will have the maids bring in some "normal" clothes for you by Monday." He said walking towards the door. "In the mean time you might want to shorten your name." He said as he closed the door behind him.

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