The bridge

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"Jason, run" I shouted ensuring I used up every last piece of oxygen hidden within my lungs. If he didn't run; he would die. If he didn't get out of there; he would be nothing but a fading memory. "Jason" I shouted again as loud as I could but he wouldn't listen. "Jason" I cried but he seemed to be stuck in the moment and unresponsive to everything I was trying to tell him to do. I didn't know what to do, he was stood in the middle of a collapsing bridge just watching, plank by plank, the bridge collapse beneath his feet. "Please" I croaked unable to scream at him anymore. I was tired and exhausted, my heart racing so quickly I could feel it in my throat. I was scared, no, in fact I was terrified. "Please" I repeated unsure what to do anymore. I fell to my knees onto the grass, my knees unable to hold the weight of my broken down body any longer. "Jason"

"B" I heard a voice whisper as I felt a light tap on my shoulder. "Belle" I opened my eyes and looked up to see Jason stood there smiling at me. "Are you okay?" He laughed and then walked away. "I think so" I groaned and pulled myself up and leant against the headboard. "Why?"

"You were moving around a lot - I got worried" he admitted and I smiled.


Jason looked over at me confused and replied wearily in response to me with "hey" ensuring he elongated his speech. "Do you ever look at the clock and think how time is a wonderful thing? A precious thing?" I smiled whilst playing with one of the curls in my hair - why was I acting so suspicious? I had nothing to hide.

"No not really" he admitted with an expression on his face that was hard to read what he was feeling and thinking about at this exact moment in time. "But I know that time is slowing down and days are getting shorter and soon this will be all over"
I saw the pain in his eyes at the thought of the end of the world. At the end of us. At the end of everything. "Hey the countdown hasn't begun yet - we're going to be okay. They don't even know if we're actually all going to die. I still don't see why they're preparing a countdown." I caught his gaze and shrugged slightly because what did we know? We were the pawns in the dark. "I guess" he shrugged back "who knows" I could tell he felt strongly about all of this and a flurry of guilt hit me. I shouldn't have brought it up.

Jason lost his family to the countdown last year and he was trapped mourning. The countdown gets worse as years go on and this year they're predicting that time will kill us all. In my opinion it's a load of crap but nevertheless people did die and nothing could be done about it. Well, that's what 'they' said however I believed that time could be stopped if they actually tried.

"Come 'ere" I ushered and opened my arms - "gimme a hug" and I smiled as he approached me. He hugged me and as I withdrew I kissed his cheek and he blushed. Me and Jason weren't together but we were constantly flirting and hanging out. I knew he liked me and he knew I liked him but we never have the confidence to make it official or kiss or something like that. It sucks. Time is running out and I still don't get to call him my own.


- this is bad I know but it's just an introduction :-) -

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2015 ⏰

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