Chapter 39, extended chapter for "The House of The Scorpion" by Nancy Farmer.

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Hey guys! This is for everyone who read and loved the book "The House of The Scorpion" by Nancy Farmer. I loved it and wrote this when I was in the 8th grade. Enjoy!

PS: I don't own any characters or anything. This is just how I wanted the book to end. An extended chapter. :D


Forgetting the Past, Discovering the Future

Matt awoke when the sun was low in the sky, just over the horizon. The fire had burned out during the night and all that was left were the ruby colored embers shining dimly. Perhaps it was from his mood yesterday -after hearing the news that Tam- Lin was gone- but the air had an eerie feel to it. He rose slowly off of the ground and shook his head, as if rid himself of the story which had taken his best friend away from him. Slowly, Matt walked over to the metal chest and put his flashlight back inside, closing it tight. He climbed down, away from the oasis, his only sanctuary, and mounted the safe horse. Matt was hardly aware of his surroundings as he rode back to the estate. His mind was still asleep back at the oasis. He was still aghast at how much his world had changed in a matter of days. He had escaped the plankton factory, made it home to Celia, discovered that everyone he knew was gone, and he was now ruler of Opium. As he reached the stables and dropped off the safe horse to Rosa, he realized something. He was not ready to lead an entire empire, whether he had followers or not, he couldn't do it. He walked slowly up the stairs, trying to figure out how he would tell Celia that he couldn't do the one thing he was destined to do. As he opened the door and entered into the main hallway he was greeted happily by María, who was accompanied by Esperanza. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you, I missed you" María said while hugging Matt. "I missed you too" Matt said returning the hug. "Alright that enough of that, let's get down to business" Esperanza interrupted. Matt and María dropped their arms and walked together toward the kitchen. Celia waited for them by the wood burning stove along with Daft Donald and Mr. Ortega. "My heavens, are you alright Mi Vida?" Celia wept as she ran to hug Matt. "I'm so sorry that we made you so sad but Tam-Lin felt that was the only way to redeem himself." Matt shuddered as he thought again about Tam-Lin. "Its fine Celia really, I'm okay." Matt struggled with finding the words to describe how he felt about what happened, so he just settled on fine. "Sorry, to break up this touching family moment, but I do have a reason for being here" Esperanza stated monotonously. "I am here to put you in charge. I have already spoken to the head of state in the US and by law you now rule and own all of Opium." Matt felt strangely, he knew he wasn't ready to take up such a big responsibility, and yet something inside of him kept telling him he could. Matt heard Tam-Lin's voice in his head just as he heard it last night at the oasis. You can do it. The words echoed inside his head as he thought about the journey in front of him. "I already have some ideas for the turnaround of this empire" Matt said rather audaciously. It was then after hearing Tam-Lin cheer him on, that he realized he really could do it and he wouldn't make the same mistakes that El Patrón had made so many years ago. "My first command is that all the Opium will be replaced with real crops, real fruit and vegetables. Drugs and deception will no longer be the basis of this empire." Celia stood in the corner with her mouth partially open; awe struck by how much Matt had grown up and matured, she was a truly proud parent. Daft Donald typed everything that Matt said for Mr. Ortega to read. "My next request is that all the eejits be freed, and a cure is found to reverse what has been done to them." Matt felt the eyes in the room watching him, the feeling he was experiencing now was not fear or embarrassment, but pride. All these people were watching and listening to him. He truly was the new ruler of Opium. "After this, cloning will be stopped, there is no need for anymore pain and suffering, on anyone, including clones. We also don't want a repeat of El Patrón with his almost living forever. The last idea that I have so far is that all hatred will stop, no more intrigues behind each other's backs, no more murder or lies, and no more desolation." Matt stood in the center of the room watching the others take in what he had just said. Esperanza's expression was almost unreadable as she stood there with her jaw locked, deep in thought, with the slightest hint of admiration in her eyes. Celia still remained awestruck standing there after listening to Matt, knowing that he would be a good leader. María stood next to Matt with a sparkle in her eyes, clearly excited and ready to start on these new plans. Mr. Ortega looked as if he wanted to say something, but was speechless. Daft Donald sat at his computer and started typing. When he was finished Matt walked over and read his message aloud: Are you sure about this? You are taking the entire Opium Empire and completely changing it. If you make the slightest mistake, the entire empire will crumble. "I have never been more sure about anything in my entire life" Matt replied. "It's time for a change, this world is falling apart and someone has to make the first move to start the reconciliation." Daft Donald typed again and Mr. Ortega read it: This isn't going to be easy. "I don't expect it to be" Matt replied. "But if you release the eejits, who will work in the fields?" María asked curiously. "I'm going to hire people who cross the border and want to work. I am also going to stop the farm patrol, I have experience with them and no one deserves to be treated that way. Before anyone else objects to me just know that my plans are not yet complete, I need all of your help and experience to build our new empire." Matt put his hand out and asked "Who's with me?" Celia, Esperanza, and María stepped forward, each placing their hand on top of one another's. Mr. Ortega was next followed by a leery Daft Donald. "We shall call our new empire Paz Femenino for empire of peace" Matt exclaimed as their hands flew into the air and fell back down.

Matt couldn't believe how successful his day had been. He sat there thinking about what would happen, and all the changes that would occur in the next couple of months as he played the piano softly in the music room. He was wondering when would be a good time to go and retrieve his friends Ton-Ton, Fedilito, and Chacho. He would wait until his new empire was constructed and all the drugs and eejits were gone, he wanted his friends to be comfortable in their new home. Hopefully Chacho would be out of the hospital by then and if not Matt would surely provide him with the best medical care possible. The fidelity between Matt and his friends was amazing. He knew that he could count on them and the feeling was mutual. After his empire was on top again, Matt would try and free all the lost boys and girls at the horrible factories that he was once imprisoned in. Matt thought about what Tam- Lin would have said to his ideas as his fingers glided across the keys. He then stopped playing and reached in to his pocket and read the note that Tam- Lin had written. He read it over again until he heard a voice "Don't stop playing." It was María peeking her head in through the door. "Oh, sorry I didn't know I had an audience" Matt replied. María crossed the room and sat next to Matt on the piano bench. "I can't wait to put all your plans into action" María declared hopefully. "I can't wait to hear some of your ideas" Matt answered. "My ideas?" she wondered. "Of course, you didn't think that I could rule an empire without a beautiful, optimistic young woman at my side did you?" Matt teased. "Well, I do have some ideas" she mused. "Of course you do, and that is why I love you, because you are a thoughtful, caring and compassionate person" Matt said. "You... love me?" she asked. "Yes I do with all of my heart, and I am not scared to admit it anymore." María pondered what he said for a second. "I love you too, more than anything." They met each other's eyes and sat there, enthralled by each other. Matt started again playing another song on the piano. With María at his side and his friends and family behind him, Matt felt invincible. You can do it .Four words that would stay in his heart and echo in his ears forever. He would do it. He would rule this empire, and he would do it for Tam-Lin, he would do it for his father.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2011 ⏰

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Chapter 39, extended chapter for "The House of The Scorpion" by Nancy Farmer.Where stories live. Discover now