Chapter 5

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Hey. Ok, I'm going to try to make this is a long chapter. This is going is going to be awesome. Enjoy.


~Leo's Pov.~

I ran and jumped over from building to building. I turned around.

"Guys. Come on. Are you trying to get us captured by the Kraange?" I said.

Casey and Raph caight up with me.

"Why do we have to be on rooftop? Won't it be better if we took the Shell Razor?" said Raph.

I groaned.

"Think Raphael. Don't you think that would be dangerous. There a thousands of Kraange droids down there." I said.

Raph growled.

"Well then, how about the stealth bike?" he said.

I shook my head.

"Come on, think. The stealth bike will make too much noise." I protested.

Raph came towards me.

"Don't tell me to think." he growled angrily.

I growled.

"Then, don't protest to what I do." I said angrily.

He rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, a huge Kraange robot came towards us.

"Are we just going to stand there to get zapped?" Casey said.

We ran and hid in the shadows.

As the robot passed away, I gave a sigh of relief.

We then quickly climbed down a fire escape, and hid in the shadows away from the Kraange droids.

As they marched away, we quickly went down a manhole cover into the sewers.

We walked down the sewer pipe, and walked towards the entrance of the lair. There flying around, was a metal robot ball thing. As I entered the room, it suddenly shot lasers at us.

I quickly dodged them, and went straight to my room. I saw some Space Heroes comics and shoved them in a box. Then, I saw the video game of Space Heroes that Wex had given me, with all of its episodes.

I sighed.

Do I really miss her that much?

I sighed and quickly shoved some other things in there.

As I left my room, I walked passed Wex's door. Everything was in kinda messy due to the fight we had had with the Kraange. I looked around and saw the shirt that I gave her before she went to Japan.

I frowned.

She obviously didn't come back here. Most of her stuff was still here. I then walked out of the room, due to Raph yelling. "LEO!!! GET OVER HERE BEFORE I MAKE THIS ROBOT SHOOT YOU!!!!"

As we left the lair, I turned around. All the memories that we had there was being left behind. A blast of determination went in me.

We had to take the lair back, find Wex, and defeat the Kraange before they destroyed New York. Fast.

I lifted the manhole cover a little and and peeked outside. Kraange were stomping everywhere. New York had turned into a chaos city.

I gestured Casey and Raph to come.

I led them, in ninja mode, up the fire escape onto the rooftops again. We quickly ran from rooftop to rooftop back towards our second hideout.

As we ran, I then felt a tingle up my spine. Someone other than a Kraange bot was watching us. I quickly bought out my two katanas and hid behind a wall.

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