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My heart sank and my face was throbbing with pain. A red handprint was visible and white against the red mark. I looked up at my adoptive father. "I hate you," I whispered. "And I always have."

I quickly grabbed my phone off the table and ran down the hall to my room. I had no time to waste. I grabbed my pillow off of the bed and slipped the ratty, stained case off of it. My dad never cleans my stuff. I stuffed it with clothes and a jacket, Socks, A phone charger, My laptop, Laptop cord and an extra pair of sneakers. We lived in a tiny trailer park... And there was only one level.

I looked out my low window and took a breath, opening the latch silently. I could hear his footsteps coming down the hall. I panicked and fell out of the window, rolling on the ground and grabbing my pillow case. This was it... This was my life. I now have no home to go back to and have to one to turn to. I held my phone and bit my lip, seeing my dad's name flash onto the screen. "I will kill you!" it read. I huffed out a long breath and picked up my bag.

This was going to be a long night. It was getting very dark... Street lamps turned on around every corner and people started becoming scarce to see on the streets. I sat on a bench and hugged my bag, running my left hand through my hair. "Good night, world." I whispered, hugging the bag tighter and closing my eyes. "This is it... This is what my life has come to." I hummed out. This is going to be a long road to go down and a hard one to go back up.

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