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Jack looked at me with his beautiful bright eyes and smiled. We were in his apartment in the living room. It was warm and cozy, since I was sitting on his lap. I had my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

It wasn't like I was smelly either. I went to the public gym and showered there every other day. Jack smiled and leaned in, placing his chin on the top of my head. I wanted this to last forever. Hos warm breath felt like summer washing over my body. "Hey uhh... I'll get to cleaning that spare room tomorrow, but is it alright if you stay with me tonight?" he asked. "That's fine," I replied with a smile, "I don't really care anyway, I just want somewhere to stay." He smiled and lifted a hand to run it through my hair a few times. It wasn't natty either, I packed a brush when I ran away. Soon, he wrapped both his arms around my waist again and leaned into my hair. He is so cute. I blushed at my own thoughts. "I feel like I have known you before..." he broke the silence, tracing the outline of my hand with his index fingers. "I have seen you running before... You were running away from... Something. I don't know..."

I turned to him and he repositioned me on his lap. "Jack..." I sighed. "I was running away from my adoptive dad. He abuses me and I just had enough of it." I buried my face in his chest and breathed in his scent, dripping tears onto his shirt. I felt his strong grip on my waist loosen when he moved his left hand up to my chin to have me face him. He lifted my head and smiled his crooked smile at me. "You're safe now."
I felt him plant a kiss on my forehead and I felt a shiver run down my spine, followed by hot blood pounding at my face. I blushed and felt him pull me into a warm hug.

I looked at the clock which read "2:26 AM" and sighed. Jack had fallen asleep holding me. "Jaaaack... Jaaaaaack... Wake up!"

I saw his eyes open and he smiled down at me with his tired eyes. Damn... He's sexy. "We should head to bed... Its late... Err... Early." I joked. I saw him yawn, which turned to a laugh. "Alright, smelly." he giggled, opening his eyes more. I felt his grip tighter around me as he lifted me up. "Alright, Candi." he corrected himself smiled. I smiled and leaned into him. "If anyone is smelly, you're the smelly!" I buried my face in his neck and drew in the soft smell of his cologne. "Sean... you smell nice." I giggled and smiled. "I thought i was a smelly." he poked my forehead and stuck his tongue out at me. He walked up the stairs carefully with me in his arms. "I think you're tired and confused." he joked, resting me on the bed as he kissed my forehead. I smiled and blushed, rolling back onto the soft sheets. I lay my head on the pillow and take in his scent on it. He did smell nice. I felt his hand wrap around my waist from behind and he pulled me closer to him, his other arm sliding under my side to wrap around me. I like this. "Jack?" I whispered. I heard a "Mmhmm?" from behind me. "I... I like you."
My whole face became hot and red when I felt him wrap his hands around me tighter. "I like you too."

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