Chapter 2

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As we were packing I fell asleep and guess who woke me up? If you guessed Charlie you are right." Holy cheese cakes I love this food!!" Charlie yelled,succeeding in waking me up." What food?" I screamed jumping up but falling right back down since I tripped over my suitcase. "Oww," I mumbled while rubbing my head. "Oh my gosh Vicky,your head is bleeding!!" Charlie said helping me up. "Yeah,thanks to you,Charlotte," I snapped yanking my arm from her." Okay I had that one coming," she said while walking over to the bed and sitting down. I stalked over to the bathroom and cleaned of the giant gash in my forehead. Stupid dresser tried to beat me up.......and succeeded. I bandaged my head up and went downstairs. Guess what happened? I tripped on Charlie's shoe and went tumbling down the stairs." Vicky are you okay?" Charlie yelled rushing to help me. "I already told you about your shoes," I grumbled. She is such a slob while I try to keep everything organized. I grabbed something to eat and went to the table. Number one thing I like is my food. Charlie likes to flirt just as much as I lik-no wait love food. "I finished packing for both of us," little-miss-bitch said walking into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat. She shrugged and walked back out. I got on our YouTube channel to see we had a million more views on our video of us singing. Most of the comments were good, some were bad , but one caught my eye. Simon Cowell - 'I love this video, I would like to offer you girls a record deal. I don't know when you will see this since a lot of people are commenting but if you do happen to see this before May 21 then you shall know I will want to see you then.' I couldn't believe it,"Charlie!" I yelled. She came in with wide eyes. "You saw the comment?!?!" We yelled at the same time then nodded. This was amazing,wait what was the date? I ran to a calendar seeing that it was May 18, okay, that's good cause we leave tomorrow. Charlie replied to his comment saying' We would love a record deal and where do we meet you?' I was super excited, I mean I was acting as if I got a lifetime supply of Oreos. I could tell Charlie was excited too because she was staring into space, something she does when she is in shock from so much excitement. I usually do the same but not right now, now I think I am having a mini panic attack from nerves,excitement, and because Charlie just knocked my food into the floor. I could barely breathe and my legs were giving out. Charlie noticed and rubbed my back to soothe me. We may fight a lot but I still love her like a sister. I got more food and then we went to bed. I wake up to Charlie yelling. Okay,let me rephrase that, I heard yelling and fell off the bed hitting my head making it bleed again. "Time to get ready," Charlie squealed. I shot up off the floor and while racing to bathroom I yelled," I get shower first." I heard her groan, I don't know why though cause I take quick showers. Once we had both taken showers we headed to the airport. I hated the plane ride because I was between a screaming baby and Charlie. I noticed the change in temperature as soon as I stepped out of the airport. California is soooo much warmer. We got a cab and headed to the address Simon had given us. It was a beautiful mansion, I can't even see the backside. Once inside a group of five boys rushed to us. Aren't they One Way or something like that? Anyways I could tell Charlie had a thing for the curly haired one. The only one that caught my eye was the obviously died blonde. "Hello we are One Direction and our boss Simon said something about a Charlotte and Victoria?" The black haired boy said. Ooh, I was so close! It was One Direction, not One Way, eh basically the same thing. Charlie and I automatically change from our happy personality's to dead serious ones. "Don't. Call. Me. That!" We said at the same time. The boys jumped back and I smiled." I am Vicky and this is Charlie," I introduced us properly." Well ummm...I am Harry, then they are Zayn,Liam,Louis,and uh..Niall," Harry introduced them,stuttering only a bit. I am shocked to say the least, usually guys stutter ten times worse when we yell at them for using our whole names. Just wait till they see what happens when they touch my food!!! Then I went into a daydream about food. "Vicky, Vicky,snap out of it," I heard Charlie say. I shook my head and said, "What?" She rolled her eyes and said," We tried getting your attention seven times, you were daydreaming about food again weren't you?" I nodded sheepishly and blushed wildly. I saw Niall's face light up like a Christmas tree. I giggled,hid my face and then took off sprinting through the house. I kept running until I got to the back door. Then I threw open the back door and sprinted through the fields in the back." Damn she can run!" Someone,I think Niall,said. "Yeah,for all that she eats I'm shocked she CAN run like that!!" Charlie exclaimed. I ran for what felt like hours but was probably only five minutes and a few miles. I was on the cross country team,don't judge. I sat down on a bench in a park that was probably about two miles from the guys house. Someone sat down next to me but I didn't care to look over." Damn you run fast girl!" The person next to me said." So Niall, I'm guessing you like to eat as well from the look on your face when I said I was daydreaming about food," I said still looking ahead. "Yeah," Niall said quietly and when I looked over he was blushing. I smiled and said," Well I am starving so do you want to go get some food with me?" He jumped up quickly and pulled me up so I guess that was a yes. We walked around the block and walked into a cute little restaurant. We ordered basically the whole menu twice, once for me, and once for him. After we ate we decided to go back home. We walked into the house and we got tackled into a group hug. "We were worried about you all!" Simon exclaimed. First off, when did he get here? Second off, did he expect the two people who love food the most to just come home without eating? Pfft, I would die if I couldn't eat for half an hour. "Well I'm going to bed," I said walking up the stairs. Guess I am going to bed on an empty stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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