Chapter Eleven

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A very reserved Olivia came and stood at his side as he watched the rescue mission that was going to be a long, and tedious progress because they couldn't afford another rock slide. Dressed completely from head to toe in traditional dress and headscarf she was very pale and withdrawn.

He reached towards her hand, taking hold of and squeezed. Emerald eyes searched his for reassurances; one he couldn't give her, guiding her closer to his side. She leaned against him, clasping his upper arm with her other hand, holding on to him tightly.

He didn't care how it looked or what others thought; she was in shock and deeply troubled about her brother's welfare. He should've left her at the palace, knowing he wouldn't have. He gathered her closer, releasing her hand and placed an arm around her shoulder, gathering her up against his chest, wrapping his other arm around her as she buried her face in deeper, clutching at him with both her arms.

"There is nothing you can do here Olivia, you should be resting in the tent, out of the sun," he said softly, knowing she wouldn't leave his side. He ran his hand over her scarfed hair, wishing he could feel the soft silky thickness of her fiery hair. "I cannot at this time promise you he is safe," he whispered with a lump in his throat. Even in her pain and distress, he couldn't lie to her

He was a man who always spoke the truth, no matter how much it hurt another. The truth was always better, wasn't it? She nodded in understanding, though her grip tightened around him, holding him to her. He pressed his face into hers, passing on words of comfort and how he wished he could've protected her from this as he stroked her back in a comforting way. Reassuring everything that can be done was being done to bring her brother back to her and his team.

Knowing she wasn't going to leave him or go into the tent to rest he organised a fireplace and rug in front of the tent so she could watch from there and did, sitting at his side, while his team worked slowly, excavating the cave-in. He made sure she drank. Food didn't matter so much but she had to keep up her fluids. He was kept updated by two-way radio.

Seeing Olivia was struggling to stay awake, he gently guided her down onto his lap. Tenderly he caressed her hair, where she fell asleep in an instant. He didn't try to move her, waving across a man to retrieve a blanket that was placed over her at his return.

Khalid couldn't fault her love for her bother or her loyalty though was stubborn as hell, a  smile touched his lips. He was the same. Night had fallen, glancing across towards the team in the distance, now working under lights, working through the night. 

Time was running out for any hope of him to survive.

Olivia stirred, finding herself where she had fallen asleep, running her hand over his leg because he hadn't moved her into the tent. He had kept his word. "Anything?" she asked. He bent over, kissing her cheek.

"Not yet but nearly there." His radio crackled that he grabbed and answered in Arabic. She sat up anxious, heart pounding. He nodded, running a hand through her hair. Standing, he signalled the medical team to go in, which had been on standby from the moment he had been informed about the cave-in. Like them, they had flown in by helicopter. Olivia joined his side, clasping his arm tightly. "He is found."

"I have to go to him," she breathed, only to be held back by Khalaf as she started to move away from him, shaking his head.

"You cannot. He's in a bad way and needs to be seen to. You would only be in the way."

She held her breath, closing her eyes. "The others?" There were others involved. David wasn't the only one at risk.

"The American was the only other one with him. Killed instantly by what they can gather. We will wait here until I have heard the word." Heartbroken she buried her face into his side, tears seeping out at the loss of life, and sent prayers up for her brother. He was alive so there was hope. There was always hope. After everything that had happened, she couldn't lose him or go home without him. 

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