Spamhaus mafia tactics main threat to Internet freedom-Goodreads

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Spamhaus is a major censorship organization only pretending to fight spam, a CyberBunker spokesman said in an RT exclusive. Sven Olaf Kamphuis claimed that as a constant bully of Internet service providers Spamhaus has only itself to blame for the attack.

In a Skype interview with RT, Kamphuis denied that CyberBunker was the organization behind the historical attack, pointing the finger at a large collective of internet providers around the globe called Spamhaus has blackmailed a number of internet service providers and carriers into disconnecting clients without court orders or any legal process, Kamphuis says. Basically, he accuses them of claiming people are spammers when they are not.

“They do it on a regular basis,” Kamphuis said. “If people do not comply with their demands they just list the entire internet provider.”

Kamphuis claims they use “mafia tactics” and have a list of internet users that they do not like, which features a lot of users from China and Russia because they allegedly believe that a lot of spammers and criminals in these two countries use the internet to facilitate crime. Spamhaus first reported massive DDoS attacks on March 20. At one point Spamhaus servers were flooded with 300 billion bits per second (300Gbps) of data,  suggesting this was the largest registered attack of its kind in the history of the Internet, according to experts from computer security firm Kaspersky.“The data flow generated by such an attack may affect intermediate network nodes when it passes them, thus impeding operations of normal web services that have no relation to Spamhaus or CyberBunker,” corporate communications manager at Kaspersky, Yuliya Krivosheina, wrote in a statement for RT. “Therefore, such DDoS attack may affect regular users as well, with network slowdown or total unavailability of certain web resources being typical symptoms.”

Kamphuis however claimed that the allegations of web access slowing down world-wide as a result of the attack could be a part of a PR stunt effort by a web performance and security company CloudFlare that helped Spamhaus to tackle the problem.

“That was basically just CloudFlare putting itself in the middle,” he explained. “CloudFlare took on a customer that was under attack in an attempt to make good PR for itself, and it kind of backfired.”

‘Spamhaus mafia tactics’

“Spamhaus mafia tactics are definitely the largest threat to the freedom of the internet at the moment,” Kamphius told RT. And it is not about money, but about control, he says. Spamhaus just wants to own the platforms on which communications take place.

Earlier, speaking with RT's news video agency RUPTLY, Kamphuis said that CyberBunker was just one of the many groups who took part in the attack, most of them being various internet service providers outraged by Spamhaus’ constant bullying and blackmailing.

RUPTLY: Why did you carry out the attacks?

Sven Olaf Kamphuis: Some members of are carrying out the attacks. There has been some mis-information from the New York Times that it’s me carrying out the attacks. Spamhaus have pissed off a whole lot of people over the past few years by blackmailing ISPs and carriers into disconnecting clients without court orders or legal process whatsoever, just because Spamhaus says so. And Spamhaus claims they are spammers without any evidence whatsoever. And Spamhaus does it all the time, they blackmail domain registers, they blackmail internet providers and they blackmail internet providers of the internet providers so that they can just point at a website and say take it down.

This is obviously not how freedom of speech and the right to freedom of information and the normal legal process is supposed to work. Spamhaus has become a major influence in internet censorship and basically what we’re seeing here is the internet organizing and puking them out. At this moment we are not even conducting any attacks because our people from our group stopped any attack yesterday morning so if they are still under attack which I think they are because I get news feeds that they are still under attack then it’s now other people attacking them.

Basically what happened is that people started to add other people that have had problems with Spamhaus to a Skypechat – a lot of them in China and Russia – because Spamhaus doesn’t like Chinese and Russian people for some reason and thinks that they should not have internet, I don’t know.

Most of the listings call everyone Russian spammers and criminals without any evidence. As far as we’re concerned the Chinese and Russians have a right to internet as well. Spamhaus itself was a great help in this effort because they have got an illegal list that they maintain without permission from the Information Commissioners Office and in contradiction to the data protection act of all personal details and pictures and names and addresses of people that Spamhaus do not like.

Basically there was a little meeting on Skype and well, some people in Russia decided to solve the problem somewhat more directly by wiping Spamhaus off the internet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2013 ⏰

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