Dance With me Through the Flames of Sin

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"Chocolate, huh? I've never been much of a chocolate fan..." Patrick murmurs thoughtfully, tinkering with the straw to said shake and Pete gawks, mouth agape, imitating the looks of a fish. Patrick shoots him an odd look, arching a brow.

"Close your mouth sweetheart, you'll catch flies," Patrick says, sliding a hand around Pete's jaw and shutting it for him.

Pete's confused once again and currently pondering over the fact of how Patrick has the ability to turn him inside out and read him like an open book, somehow deciphering the scrawled handwriting that is Pete's thoughts within themselves.

"...What are you doing here?" Pete says, eyes widened into large circles and mouth clamped down into a straight line.

Patrick's nose wrinkles in distaste at the monotone in Pete's voice and sighs. "I came to apologize for running out--"

"Why would you apologize?" Pete demands, roughly shrugging Patrick's hand off of him. Not in disgust but in a way he thinks he doesn't really deserve the touch, it's delicate and soft, and definitely not the kind of treatment he thinks should be sent his way.

Patrick cocks his head and exhales an irritated breath. "I-um...might have left things a bit unclear for you and I wanted to explain myself...Maybe scold you a bit," he chuckles, but Pete's surely not laughing. His brain seems to be disconnected like he's losing grip on reality and he's unsure on how to react.

Pete settles with just inhaling deeply and nodding. "Explain," he says, simple and smooth, but Patrick's mouth falls open, though no sound leaks out.

"I'm not really prepared," he starts and a snort escapes Pete. "Holy shit, don't laugh at me--okay, I was kind of expecting to be flat out rejected at least three times."

Pete hums, stealing his shake from Patrick's flimsy grip and taking a gulp, though cringing at the chilled taste upon his tongue before replying with "I'm curious, what can I say?"

"Well...You hate me," Patrick states and Pete blinks, frowning.

"That's putting it bluntly," Pete comments and Patrick gives a wave of his hand to which Pete assumes it's to shut him up, so he gives a shrug and goes back to sipping lightly at his drink.

"But you like me and in some weird way I understand...?" Patrick breathes out the words, clearly thinking aloud, although he ends off in a question, unsure.

Pete doesn't know whether or not he's to answer or stay silent.

"Understanding doesn't mean you feel the--" Pete starts however he's interrupted when Patrick makes a disgruntled noise, waving his hand in another gesture. "I'm not finished--I understand, but that's because I think I might feel that way too...our introduction wasn't the best of times, but--"

"Yeah...sorry...about that, uh.." Pete flashes a guilty smile, and Patrick mimics it, a slight gleam in his eye. "It's like a hate-like sort of thing..." Patrick trails off, before coming back with just as much vigor, "I'm still pissed, but...I'm going to admit...something," and Pete leans in closer, lips still wrapped tightly around the straw and Patrick's eyes flick down for a moment before he gives Pete a glare, though filled with no heat.

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