The Last One

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I held in a shriek as my mother slapped me again, then I took a blow to the stomach leaving me winded. Ever since my father left, my mother takes her anger out on me, and drowns her sorrows in alcohol. I don’t remember the man but I just know I hate his guts. I was only 5 years of age when he left and 5 years of age my mother started to abuse me.

There was no point in arguing back, she would only hit me harder.

I don’t talk anymore and I haven’t since year 7 and I am now in year 10. I don’t have any friends, all the kids at school think in a creep./I express myself through poetry, it’s my only hobby.

 After another half an hour of being “punished” -as it’s my fault father left- I crawl in to bed and cry myself to sleep like every other night


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