19: Connecting The Dots

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Soro's POV

I stare at the letter in my hands. A mix of emotions boil inside me. I don't know what to think. I might be an orphan. I might not. My mother might me alive. She might not. I might be part of the Legacy. I might not. I might save the world. Then again, I might not.

I want to talk to my brothers, Seto and Rythian. I don't care that they're not my biological siblings. Right now they're the closest thing I have to family. I want to talk to them. I need to talk to them. And them alone.

I navigate my way through Zoey's mushrooms trying to make my way out. Upon finding an exit I spot Zoey talking to Rythian, Seto, Duncan, Brice, Lewis, and Ridgedog.

"Hey, Zo! Do you know where Soro is?" Rythian asks.

"Yes," Zoey replies.

"Can you take us to him?"


"Why not?" Duncan asks almost whining.

"I told him I wouldn't let anyone bother him while he reads his dad's letter."

"But that's not fair," Duncan protests.

"Yes it is! The letter was written to him, not you." Zoey continues to defend me.


"She's right, Duncan," Seto cuts the older teen off. "It's Soro's letter. He gets to choose who knows what's written in it."

"It's still not fair! My father died before he could do anything like that for me!"

"How do you know?"

"Because, unlike Soro's, my father never planned on dying."

No one plans on dying, Duncan," Rythian berates. "Yet, it still happens to everyone."

"You would know about that wouldn't you!" Duncan's protests turned to anger. "After all, it's your fault he's dead!"

"What are you talking about!?" Rythian demands.

"I know he could be a bit of an ass but you didn't have to kill him!" Duncan shouts.

"Hunt is your father?"

"Yes! He is! And you killed him!"

"He tried to kill me first!" Rythian retaliates. "Do you have any idea what he was doing in that lab!? Do you have any idea what he did to me!? What he did to Soro!?"

No! I don't want to hear anymore of this! I turn and run back into Zoey's maze of mushrooms. I find a place to collapse on the ground. I need a minute to calm down and just think clearly. I need to figure out what to do. Should I confront Duncan about what I heard? No, it's none of my business; just like my letter is none of his. I'll pretend I didn't hear anything. I'll act like nothing happened. I clamber back to my feet and return to where I saw everyone. I ignore everything they're saying and everything they're doing. I'm going to focus on the reason I came here: to talk to Rythian and Seto. "Rythian! Seto!" I call out. "I need to talk to you two." I run over to them. "And you as well, Ridge." Ridge nods and snaps his fingers. Ridge, Rythian, Seto, and I are teleported away from everyone else. We are now in the middle of a forest. Then curiosity gets the best of me. Without thinking, I blurt out, "Why do you snap everytime you teleport?"

"It helps me focus my magic," Ridge replies. "How did you teleport earlier?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I just wanted to get out of the room."

"I'm sorry, Soro." Seto apologizes.

"What for?"

"Duncan suggested for you to do something that you didn't want to and I didn't stick up for you."

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