the beginning

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Guys this how your going to tell how they are speaking

Magic - using magic
Magic - normal
Magic - thought/flashback
Magic - demon/ monster using magic
Magic - normal demon/monster
Magic - demon/monster thought/flash back
200, 000 years ago

"In a galaxy far away from earth"

Four sibling and one father standing in the middle of what looks like a war zone (think of geonosis from the movie attack of the clones but only it is a little dark and the rocks are black and there is no sand but black grass)

My children we have surppresed your uncle end from taking over my domain but I fear that he will return the father said

Well let him return cause I will destroy him a boy with red eyes said

Only you would think like that but we cannot destroy him cause he is us like dad a prime primodoral a being that cannot be destroyed but either surpressed or be disintegrated to dust but would take exactly 200,000 years to reform and it would be chaos once that time has come said the sibling with eyes that shine like the stars

Well what can we do I feel like we could destroy him but like he said he is also a prime primodoral said a girl tempted to run and hide or take it like a women

Can we just calm down pls dad will find a solution said a girl with a calm

all of you be quiet destruction.chaos is right we cannot destroy him he said to the boy with red eyes and to the other boy with the stary eyes tempest do not try and hide he said to the tempted girl chaos think possitive he said tho the star eye boy and calmness...... well....uh....well keep being calm he said to the calm girl then there was a huge flash behind their father and there stood four women in cloaks

Fates, delphi why are you four hear the father said

Universe delphi over here had a prophecy but not one of us were near her at the time so we don't know what she said and she can't remember what she said but she only know it involves you four

Great a prophecy that we are apart of and we don't know the content destruction said

hmm this pose as a problem we can't read your mind cause your not yourself when you say those Bloody prophecies universe said

So what do we do now father tempest said

We continue to live normally we cannot let this lack of knowledge of this prophecy mess our life we keep moving in our life forward. Now all of you leta go home universe said

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