Strange but good right?

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// Finally back~

Izaya groaned softly, rolling onto his side, then suddenly let out a yelp as he felt the cold ground.
"Oh... Right... I slept on the couch..." He sighed and sat up, getting back onto the couch. He looked at his phone quickly, almost being blinded by how bright it was. "Jeez.. It's only six-am." He sighed and lay back down, pulling the blankets over him. He let out a tired groan as he closed his eyes.

"Oi, wake up." Izaya groaned as he felt someone shaking him.
"Nooooo..." He groaned.
"It's almost Twelve, get up." He heard the blond sigh. He huffed and turned away.
"Nooo... -!" Izayas eyes suddenly widened as he felt something cold be poured over him. "Cold! Cold!" He looked at the blond who was holding a now-empty bucket.
"I think a cup would've been better, now it's everywhere." He sighed as he looked around.
"...!" Izaya opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it. His lips curled into a pout.
"Don't pout. I had to do something to get you up." Shizuo sighed as he put the bucket down.
"You could've done something that didn't require me getting soaked. Though, I'm wearing your clothes so." He shrugged and chuckled. "Now, get me a towel, please." Izaya gave the blond puppy eyes, though he shut his eyes when a towel was suddenly thrown at him.
"Already got one. Go take a shower, there's clean clothes in the bathroom already."
"Shizu-chan is more prepared than I thought he was." He puffed his cheeks slightly as he caught the towel.
"Guess you can't know everything, huh, flea?" He gave him a snide look.
"Ahh, that's mean!" He pouted and rubbed his eyes.
"Just go take a shower before I drag you in there and shower you myself."
"Shizu-chans a pervert." He rolled his eyes as he got up, heading to the bathroom to do as he was told. He turned on the shower, and stripped.
"... Eh?" He held his hand under the water. "It's cold... But it's on hot settings..." He raised his eyebrow. "Uhm... Shizu-chan?" He called out.
"Uh... Can you come here a sec?" Izaya heard a loud groan and footsteps approaching the bathroom. The door was flung open and Izaya quickly grabbed a towel.
"What is it?"
"Uh... How does your shower work?" Shizuo sighed, leaning over and fiddled with the shower for a few moments.
"Right. Get in."
"Uh... You'll have to get out first."
"The shower messes up every now and then. It'll get too cold or way too hot. Just get in, I won't look at your nads."
"... Penis." Izaya deadpanned and sighed, hesitantly letting go off the towel. He got into the shower, and sighed once the warm water hit his skin. "You have a feminine figure.." The blond commented.
"Stop staring me down! You need a shower curtain..." He sighed and made the blond look away.
"What? I'll strip if it makes you more comfortable." He sighed. A smirk made it's way onto Izayas lips however.
"Do it then." His smirk widened slightly, thinking the blond wouldn't really strip. However, his smirk soon faded as the blond began stripping.
"Aand... Done."
"..." Izaya focused on the blonds abdomen, looking at how toned he was.
"... flea?" He waved his hand in front of his face, "Anyone home?"
"..! Huh?" He looked back up at the blond, "What?"
"You zoned out." He sighed. "I'm getting in with you, may as well since I'm already naked."
"Eh?! Shizu-chan!" He puffed his cheeks as he was made to make room for the blond.
"Shut up. It's only a shower." He sighed, reaching over him to grab the soap.
"People that aren't in relationships don't usually share showers." He sighed.
"You're saying that you don't want to be in one?" He looked down at him.
"I can see the way you look at me sometimes." He chuckled, reaching out to ruffle the ravens hair. Izaya didn't reply, but puffed his cheeks and crossed his arms. "Strange though. Of all people, I didn't think you'd be gay." Izaya turned his head away. "Ah, don't pout. Doesn't mean I'm not."
"... Wait, what?" Izaya looked over at him, lowering his arms.
"You didn't know?" He tilted his head as he crossed his arms.
"Oh. Well, yeah. There's my coming out story. You're welcome." He patted his head. Izaya furrowed his eyebrows, trying to think if he'd maybe missed something.
"Well, I never actually told anyone, so." He shrugged. Izaya looked up at him, then nodded. "I think this is meant to be the part where we kiss, Y'know."
"Ah... Unromantic-" Izaya was cut off, seeing the blonds face right in front of his, and his lips pressed against his own. His eyes widened, but he didn't pull back. He leaned forward after a few moments, kissing back.

"Flea." Izaya groaned as he looked up from his cup.
"Move over." Shizuo nudged at him, wanting to sit on the couch but he was sprawled out.
"Nooo.." He flailed.
"Noooo...-!" He yelped as he was suddenly hoisted in the air, and the blond took his spot then placed him on the floor. "That's mean." He puffed his cheeks. Shizuo shrugged at him.
"You wouldn't move." He looked at the raven as he crawled back onto the couch, and laid his head on his lap. "You're like a cat." He muttered, looking down at him.
"Hah?" Izaya turned and looked up at him.
"You look like a cat when you're not being an annoying flea. Dare I say, cute." Izayas face flushed at that.
"Eh?!" He sprang up, then looked over at him.
"Heh," He chuckled, reaching out to ruffle his hair. "Cute-" His eyes widened as he was cut off, and felt Izayas lips against his own. He waited a few moments to comprehend what happened, then kissed back, moving his hand so that it was on his cheek.
I love you.

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