TMD-Chapter Eight

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Breanna’s POV

When I got in the driver’s seat, I realized that the van I was in was following an all-black SUV and was also being followed by one. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw some dude driving with dark shades and in the passenger seat sat Brent. He had a relaxed look on his face that pissed me off to a whole ‘nother level because I actually believed that bitch.

I continued to follow the SUV in front of me instead of driving home because I figured that would be the smartest thing to do instead of bringing a war to my own home. I didn’t have my phone so I took the phone out of one of the dead guards pocket and dialed the house number.

“Hello?” I heard Marasia’s voice on the other line.

“Marasia! Look I need you to get everyone together and put me on speaker and do it quick, I don’t have time to waste.” I ordered in a very stern tone.

“Bre? You alright?” she asked worried.

“DO IT MARASIA!” I screamed getting aggravated.

It didn’t even take two minutes before I heard Jamal say, “Get to talking.”

“Record and track this call cause I’m about to start.” I demanded.

“Already being done.” He replied.

I proceeded to tell them about what happened at the park and how I was following them. I made sure to skip all the extra stuff because I figured that wasn’t important and plus I knew I was going to catch hell for it later.

“Oh HELL NAH!” I heard  TreyAunous yell.

“Where you at now?” Eric asked.

“We’re speeding down 95, I was going to come home  but I figured that wasn’t the smartest thing to do. So ima just follow them to where ever they going.”

“Well stay on the phone until you get there then we gone trace the call and get everybody and everything together baby girl we know you got this till we get there.”  Darnel said.

“Well we in the boonies and we just pulled up to some big ass house in the middle of the woods, they getting out they cars and shit.” I began to look around the van looking for some weapons when I found a compartment on the floor of the van and lifted it up revealing all types of shit. “Jackpot.” I mumbled.

“What you find?” I heard somebody say on the phone.

“A whole bunch of shit. Look, I gotta go, they making they way over here. I love y’all.” I said finally.

“We love you too!” They screamed. But I didn’t hang up. I just set the phone down when I heard a knock on the vans door.

I traced an imaginary cross over my body, kissed my two fingers and lifted them up to the sky before I flung the side door open and let off on everybody.

Jamal’s POV

Last thing we heard on Bre’s end was a door being opened and gun shots before the call was dropped. I couldn’t imagine what was happening but what was in my head was something I pray never comes to being.

“Y’all go get dressed and load up while I call daddy.” I ordered and they all took off.

I paced around the kitchen where we were talking to Bre before I picked up my phone and called the boss.

“Wassup son?” he answered on the second ring. I took a deep breath. “Something wrong? Everyting alright?”

“They got her…” is all I could manage to say, the mental image of a dead Bre still eating me alive.

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