In Your Arms (Sal)

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It had been a hard night last night.
You had gotten home from your job late, and it was a pretty rough day at work. All you can remember is walking into the house half awake, looking into the bathroom mirror with bloodshot eyes as you brushed your teeth, and tripping into your bed. You don't even remember greeting your boyfriend Sal as you came home.
You were in a hard sleep. Your thoughts were dark, tired, and black.
Nearing the late morning, you began to come to your senses.
A strong warmth tingled your skin.
You opened your eyes slowly, not really feeling fully awake.
Sal was softly caressing your skin and playfully kissing your stomach.
"Bear, what are you doing?" , you giggled.
Sal's eyes lit up when he realized you had awakened and he couldn't help but break out into a nerdy, adorable, chuckle.
"Baby, I missed you. I didn't even get to say goodnight. You work so hard" He whined.
You were about to objectify his compliment but he hushed you with a gentle kiss.
In that moment, you didn't want to leave that bed, you didn't want to break that moment.
Sal ran his fingers along your skin, playing with your hair and bringing his warm body close to yours.
You began to become overwhelmed with emotion. Sal was so beautiful. His raspy morning voice cuddled your eyes in a beautiful melody. This was the man you never wanted to leave.
"Why do you treat me like a princess? I don't deserve it."
"(Y/n), I'm in love with you. Every morning when I wake up with you I never want to leave this bed. I never want you to leave me." He began to well up with damp eyes.
You gripped his back and pulled him in close under the comfort of the covers and kissed his beautiful plump lips and he perfectly fell into rhythm with each breath and each kiss.
You slid your head down to rest on his chest, listening to his pounding heart. This morning couldn't be any better. Sal Vulcano was the love of your life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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