The unknown

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Did you ever feel like the world you live in is not the one that you always see. Like its a deceiving mask that keeps you out of reality, drags you away from it yet at the same time fascinates you and pulls you in. Such a contradictory connection and such a fragile bond can break any minute.

Just like the passion and love between a devil and an angel, the monster and the human, the beauty and the beast, so wrong, a sacrilege yet so right, a need. They are polar opposites yet again they can't exist without each other. Yin and Yang, night and day, moon and sun.

Without those the world wouldn't exist but.... Sometimes, no matter how you wish for it, fight for it, it doesn't always work out the way you want it to. Sometimes it's because we are not ready to face reality, other times we are too scared of the future and others are just afraid to move on because the past haunts them, making them believe that if you love, care, feel or trust again everything will shatter into nothingness and you will be alone again. Especially if you yourself were the cause of your trauma.

You blame yourself, fear yourself afraid of hurting them and you again. That's why it's just easier to run, to escape, to not to get involved. Away from anyone or anything. It's safer, you tell yourself, it's for the best you repeat again and again but you're still...........lonely. So so terribly lonely.

The woods are a dark erie place which is quiet and void of humans. It's the perfect way to escape encounter with people. Animals don't approach me cause they know when something dangerous is coming their way,so they do the smartest thing, they run from it. It kinda hurts but it's for the best. The woods were my play ground. Other kids had toys and friends with which they could share those toys with but not me. My friends were the trees, the moon, the sun and the sounds of the woods.

I was afraid. Afraid of hurting anyone. That is why I prefer to stay alone, well not exactly alone. I have my best friend, always had with me since that day that changed it all and his name is Yuki, which means snow in Japanese. Yeah, I'm the moonflower and he is my snow.

But his name suits him perfectly and I'm glad I chose it for him. His beautiful white scales glittering in the morning sun making him even more magical and his red eyes more intimidating and menacing, just the way I like him. Yuki is my snake, to which for some reason I can talk to, it's bizarre and I know it but I'm glad I can. He is the only one that keeps me company, makes me feel like I'm needed, understands me and knows my secret without running away or looking at me with those terror filled hated eyes.

And..........he is the only one I can touch without being afraid of braking him, of loosing him like all the people I lost before. He is the light in my darkness that helps me get through every day. I don't even know what I would have done without him here, probably kill myself cause loneliness is terrifying. It kills you from the inside while you slowly fade.

The morning jog in the woods helps me clear my head before heading to the battlefield called school. For most kids it's called that way because the teachers annoy them, the classes are boring ass hell and of course the bullies. Sometimes it's the pressure of the exams, tests and handing your essay on time but for me it's a different kind of hell.

It's not like I struggled with grades, I was an honor student and I wasn't bullied it's just that I was having a little bit of trouble not killing anyone in it and it always drained my energy when I finally went home. I wasn't a maniac or a serial killer struggling not to spill the blood and guts everywhere around me I just wanted to protect them. You see I had a gift or more like a curse if you call it.

Anything I touch or wish for I poison it, awesome isn't it. Note the sarcasm please. I wasn't always like this and for the love of god I didn't wish for it, but it kinda sorta happened if you get me. It's not the only 'special quality' I posses but it doesn't matter, I won't spill everything in the first chapter.

Anyway through the years I learned to control it and thanks to my genius brain I was able to create my own clothes so that the poison wouldn't go through with any kind of contact. I made them look like normal clothes so I wouldn't make myself look too suspicious but people still stared, mostly at my hands. I would always wear full leather gloves cause my finger tips and hands were the most dangerous parts of me. Hell, everything about me was dangerous, I was practically a walking bomb ready to explode if anyone touched me. But it was always just me overreacting or as Yuki would always say.

Speaking of him, I always carried him everywhere and I mean it everywhere. Without him I was a lost soul, a newborn kitten without his mother. He was my advisor and my guardian angel but most of all he was my family and my best friend, that is exactly why he was always with me.

The run through the woods was peaceful as always until Yuki brought me out of my trance.

Fiore an hour has already passed I think you should head home now or you'll be late for school.

"Oh thanks for the reminder Yuki I always dose off, while I'm here it's to peaceful that I always forget all the bad things I've been through"

I know but you're 18 already and it's your last year so please end it. Just a little longer and you'll be free do chose if you want to pursue a career or just live somewhere in the woods ok?

"Ok but I'm only doing it for you cause I love you and yes I always wanted to live in the forest away from everything. Just thinking about it makes me smile. Thank you Yuki for always being there for me"

Aww I love you too my delicious little cupcake

"Omg, please don't start again ok ? It sounds even creepier with that voice of yours"

Oh my voice is fabulous and you know it

"Whatever" I say rolling my eyes while smiling and sprinting the way back home making my long blond locks sway in the wind from the speed. Let's see how this day will turn out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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