Chapter Seven: When the Day's Sad, Smile

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I carried Sawyer, with help from Goldie, downstairs to where everyone else was.
The Toys were coming to stay here as well, and I was concerned for Jayden. Freddy and Junior, Bonnie and Indigo, Chica and Duck, Goldie and Ghost, Foxy and Foxya, Sawyer and I, Fredric and Felicia, Ben and Bo, ChiChi and Chico, and Vixen and the twins, Marley and Maggie. That's twenty-one extra people in her house, not including Dylan when he's not on fireman call.
Sawyer clung to me, her brown eyes searching everyone else's faces as I made my way to the sofa. Foxy immediately stood up and gave me a seat, sitting on the floor next to the sofa. Goldie and Ghost were beside me, Ghost trying to brush her hair quickly. When the doorbell rang, Jayden jumped up and answered the door, disappearing around the corner.
"I want to see my babies!" A woman's voice floated down the hallway, coming closer quickly. A twenty-six or so year old woman with pink and white hair came running into the room, her yellow eyes searching faces eagerly. The little girls with the mid-back curls jumped up and ran for her, the woman scooping them up and spinning around. Foxy stood up too, walking up to her with a warm smile. He gave her a kiss on the cheek, earning eew!'s and eck!'s from the younger children. I noticed her outfit.
It was a white pirate blouse with ruffles at the collar area, a pair of pink pirate shorts with a lighter pink skirt that went to her knees, the front open. She had black pirate boots on and an eye patch flipped up so she could see her daughters. Her hair was white on one side and pink on the other, curled, and pulled into a ponytail with two strands hanging out at the front.
I just smiled, looking down at the child in my arms. She had fallen asleep, her thumb in her mouth and her head on my shoulder.
ChiChi was the next to come through the doorway. She was wearing a black tank top with a white, baggy, low-shouldered cover shirt with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows and the words 'Let's Party!' on it over top of the tank top, a pair of yellow shorts, and pink flats. Her yellow hair was in a side ponytail using a pink bow.
Chico jumped up from Chica's lap and ran, tears on his face, to her. She kneeled and hugged him, tears on her cheeks.
I saw Fredric next, his jacket off already. He was wearing a white, long sleeve blouse with a light brown vest overtop. A pair of darker brown pants, black shoes, and a top hat on top of that and he was ready to go. His hair was slightly shaggy, his brown ears peeping out of his hair.
He and Freddy locked eyes, Fredric glaring at Freddy, who shifted uncomfortably and folded his ears down.
Jayden and one other person came into the room at that moment. Bo squirmed out of Indigo's arms, squealing as she ran into Ben's arms. He was wearing a white business shirt, a blue vest over it, a pair of matching formal pants, and a pair of black shoes. His green bowtie was characteristically loose, the ribbons hanging downward. After picking Bo up, Ben's green eyes took in all the people, and his ears went limp at the sight.
"Jayden, where am I going to be staying?" He whispered.
I stood up and walked over to him, walking quietly so I wouldn't wake Sawyer up. Ben only started shaking even more. Sawyer woke up, yawning in the world's cutest position before noticing Ben.
"Uncle Ben!" She squealed, getting awes from the ladies in the room. Ben gave her a weak smile, setting a squirming Bo loose. She tore after Chico, who teased her and bolted. Ben timidly reached for Sawyer, hesitating and drawing his hand back. I smiled gently, holding her out. Sawyer reached for him and he took her in his arms, still nervous around me. Jayden came up to us, her green eyes taking in everything.
"Springtrap, Ben is sharing a room with you once you're comfortable with it. It's the fifth room on the right of the stairs." She directed, giving Ben a gentle nudge after me as I headed for the stairs. His face was pale and he looked so nervous that he might pass out.
Concerned, I gently removed Sawyer and put my arm around his shoulders, leading him to the kitchen stairs, which were away from all the people. He had visibly calmed down a bit as we headed up the stairs, his shoulders not as tense as I tried to figure out which room was his. It wasn't until we got into the room and he had sat down on the bed did I go to leave. Just before I left, I noticed tears shining on his cheeks.
I set Sawyer down.
"Hey, sweetie, I want you to go play with your cousins, okay? Daddy will be down later." I whispered. Sawyer nodded, running for the stairs. I slipped into the room, staying right at the door area.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
Ben nodded, wiping his tears away roughly. "I'm fine!"
I tilted my head, giving him a gently concerned look.
"Are you sure? You can tell me anything, I won't tell." I promised, closing the door. He turned away, his shoulders beginning to tremble. My heart broke, leading me over to him.
I sat next to him, not doing anything, just silently supporting. He had another idea. He scooted away, still not wanting to admit that something was wrong. I reached up and lightly touched one of his drooped ears. He jumped, quickly getting off of the bed and sitting on the other one.
I gave him a worried look, getting up and heading for the door. I opened the door and put one foot out.
"W-Wait, please! Don't leave." Ben was standing, his arm on the elbow of the other and his head half-down, two nervous green eyes cautiously peering upward at me. I gave a small smile, closing the door and walking back over to him. He was still stiff when I wrapped my arm around him, leading him over to the sofa. He sat against me, his tears threatening to spill over as I started rubbing the base of his ear. He flinched, but the tears spilled over and he started to cry, closing his green eyes.
I gently pushed his head onto my shoulder, letting him get it all out.. He started trembling, letting out tears onto my shoulder. I came to the realization that Ben was technically my little brother, so...
Ben drew a sharp intake of air as I pulled him onto my lap, laying his head on my chest and resting my head on his head. He froze for a moment, then the tears got worse, the trembling becoming violent. I just held him, not doing anything.
For the longest time, his wails were the only noise heard. Then I started rubbing his back, just calming him down. Even after the tears stopped, he still shook, keeping his head on my chest. I went to go and a tear rolled down his face, not wanting me to leave him.
I scooped him up, carrying him over to the bed. It was a corner bed, the headboard stretching around two of the sides.
I set him on the bed, then climbed into the corner and pulled him onto my lap again, calming him down once more. He closed his eyes, blinking slowly as I rubbed his ears. It wasn't long before he drifted off to sleep, saying one thing before.
"Thank you..." It was almost unheard. I shifted again, getting into a comfortable position before I myself fell asleep.
"Springtrap, wake up~"
I twitched an ear, but didn't wake up.
"Ben, you too. Wakey, wakey~"
I sleepily opened one eye, looking down at Ben. He was still asleep, his pale face half-buried in my chest. I carefully reached up and ruffled his hair. He twitched, opening one eye and yawning.
Jayden was sitting on the bed, her legs kicked out beside her and one arm supporting her as she gently rubbed my cheek.
"Morning boys. I brought you breakfast. By the way, both Bo and Sawyer ended up sleeping with me last night instead of you, Springtrap. Why was that? Or do I need to ask?" She questioned, her green eyes meeting mine.
I shook my head after glancing down at Ben, who had closed his eyes and buried his face deeper into my chest, starting to tremble again.
"Jayden, I-"
"Don't worry. I'll leave you boys be. I brought Ben a change of clothes, because he shouldn't have to wear his uniform all day." She explained, cutting me off. Jayden pointed to a neat pile of clothing, then climbed off the bed and left, giving me an understanding look before closing the door.
"I-Is she gone?" Ben whispered, looking up at me with scared lime eyes. I nodded, putting his head back on my chest and laying my hand on the side of his head. He sighed, relaxing and burying his head into my chest, as if wanting to disappear completely.
"I'm sorry. About last night." He mumbled, sitting up completely and folding his knees to his stomach, looking away. I calmly rubbed the back of his right ear, smiling as he closed his eyes and leaned against me again.
"Don't worry. I don't mind, but I would still like to know why. You don't have to tell me." I whispered, looking down at the younger rabbit. He sighed, inviting more ear-rubbing from me.
"I'm the least favorite animatronic. All the children hate me for looking so different from the original Bonnie, and the night guards...they..." He started to tear up, tightening himself into a small ball and drooping his ears.
"One of them tore my ears off and damaged my face and arms. I couldn't play the guitar, but I didn't want to tell the others. When we had to go on stage, Fredric noticed just before how damaged I was. The manager, Jhakeem, noticed as well, putting me in the back room for repairs. I stayed there until Fredric and ChiChi came to see me. ChiChi started crying when she saw my ears were gone, leaving me temporarily partially deaf. Fredric gave me the pity look, kneeling in front of me. I was too afraid to tell them anything, so I told them I fell down the stairs. The night guards continued being horrible to me until one fried my circuits, knocking me out for four days. When I woke up, Fredric was sitting next to me, waiting for me to wake up. They had repaired me while I was out. But I don't trust night guards anymore. Jayden's the only one. I just...I don't..." Ben trailed off, tears staining my shirt again. He tried to sit up when he noticed, but I pulled him into a hug, not letting him go.
He stiffened up in my arms, becoming very aware of the situation.
"Why are you doing this? Why do you care about me?" He asked, scooting to where he was across from me on the bed.
"Because you're my baby brother, and my friend. Why would I not care?" I replied, sitting up and putting my hand on his knee. He broke into tears again, crawling beside me and clinging to me like a vise.
"N-No one ever c-cared befo-ore!" He wailed, burying his face in my arm. I pulled him onto my lap again, hugging him from the side. He just clung to me like I was a life preserver, his only hope in a sea of despair.
I didn't want to hurt him anymore than he already had been, gently scooting down in the bed until I was flat on my back. I pulled him on top of me, his head on my chest as his tears continued to pour down his cheeks and onto me.
We laid there for quite some time, my warmth giving him comfort. Ben eventually tired himself out, falling asleep with a tiny sigh. Just after he fell asleep, someone faintly knocked on the door. I couldn't answer it, nor could I call for them to come in. Thankfully, it was someone who waited for neither.
"Springtrap? Are you awake?" Goldie's gentle glowing eyes came peering around the door, sweeping the room before locking on to me.
"Can I come in?" He asked. I thought for a second on how to do this, then gave him a thumbs up. Goldie gave a faint chuckle, carefully closing the door behind him. He walked over to the bed and gently placed two fingers on Ben's forehead.
"He has a fever. Nothing too bad, but Jayden wanted me to check." Goldie explained, sitting on the bed and looking at the two of us. Ben sighed again and turned his head to the other side, now facing away from Goldie. I could now feel the feverish warmth from his forehead. I went to move and he did the same thing as before, though it was fretting to himself and clutching a handful of my shirt in his hand.
Goldie had such a face of understanding that I was confused.
"Goldie...what gave Jayden the clue that he had a fever?" I asked quietly, gently rubbing Ben behind the ears.
"ChiChi informed us that he had been sleeping restlessly for the past few nights, a common trait when you have a fever." Goldie explained. I nodded, looking down at Ben, who was mumbling slightly. This time, he allowed me to slide out from under him and get off the bed, pulling the covers up to his chin and brushing the bangs off his face. Goldie and I left the room, unaware of what later would bring.
A scream jolted me awake, sending my heart pounding.
I threw the covers off, disturbing Jayden, and ran into the hallway, one room in my mind. Several people were peering out of the rooms, but I ignored all questions and locked Ben's door behind me when I got there. Then I turned around.
Ben was curled on his side, quietly crying and whispering my name to the empty air. I took a step forward, heading towards him with a sense of urgency. When I was only a few steps away, he flipped over and stood in front of me, barely daring to believe I was there. Tears were staining pale cheeks, and purple rings under dull green eyes.
I scooped him up and placed him on the bed, his head resting on my bare shoulder. He didn't react as I pulled the covers over us and let him lay his head on my chest again.
"I feel horrible. My head hurts and my chest hurts and my stomach hurts. Everything hurts." Ben mumbled, weakly putting his hand in my chest. I rubbed the back of his head and neck, his forehead burning against my bare chest.
The door opened, Goldie coming in with a worried look as he locked the door again. Ben whimpered when I jostled him, scooting over to let Goldie get in the bed with us. He pulled the covers up again, reaching over and laying a hand on the side Ben's face. I slid him in between us, our heat providing a good fever counter. Ben whimpered, his ears shaking faintly. Goldie and I shared a look, concerned about the younger one between us.
Goldie took Ben's vest and shirt off, leaving his tank-top, shoes and socks off next. He started shivering, clinging to me as we led him into the hallway, making sure no one was around.
Jayden was leaning in her doorway, standing up as we came closer.
"What's the matter?" She asked, immediately disregarding the question as Ben started coughing. She took him to the sofa to check him over, listening to him breathe. Goldie and I just watched from the doorway.
A door opened, earning my attention. ChiChi stumbled out, instantly awake when she saw us.
"Is it Ben?" She whispered, walking quietly up to us. Goldie nodded, motioning to where they were. ChiChi slid past us, hurrying over to help. Ben shook both women off and tore for me, clinging to my arm and trembling. I put my arm around his shoulders, leading him into the room.
Jayden pulled the covers back even more on my side, letting the both of us sit on the side of the bed while she went to get the thermometer. Ben leaned his head on my shoulder, accepting warmth from the both of us, Goldie on his other side. Jayden came back with the thermometer, taking his temperature.
"A hundred and two. It's the flu, alright. Surprisingly, he's not contagious. Otherwise, you'd be sick too, Springtrap." Jayden diagnosed, putting the thermometer in a bowl of warm water to soak. ChiChi went off to tell someone, we already know that much.
Poor Ben was trembling again, leaning his head on my shoulder.
"Well Jayden, what should we do?" Goldie asked, gently brushing some bangs away from his forehead. Jayden was stumped, rubbing her temples.
"I'm going to call Adele, okay?" She sighed, picking up the phone and dialing a number. After three rings, the person picked up.
"Hey, Adele, it's me, Jayden."
"Oh, hello! What is the matter, dear? Why are you calling me this early?"
"*sigh* We have a patient over here. Can you come over?"
"Of course, of course! I'm heading there now. See you soon."
Adele hung up, leaving us sitting in silence.
Ben started coughing, the action wracking his small body. I scooped him onto my lap, laying his head against my chest.
The coughing ceased, the shaking going down to trembling. Goldie reached over and rubbed his ears, almost lulling him to sleep.
Jayden bolted when the doorbell rang, startling Ben when she came back with someone. A woman blonde hair and grey eyes squatted in front of Ben, putting her hand on his knee.
"Hi sweetheart, my name is Adele. I'm just going to ask you some questions, okay?" She asked, her voice soft. Ben shook his head frantically and buried his face in my shoulder, trembling. Jayden had a pitying look on her face, standing in the doorway.
"And what is the matter with you, dear?" Adele asked, looking me in the eyes. I raised both eyebrows, confused.
"Me?" I questioned. She nodded, motioning to my face and ears.
"I'm fine. They're just old scars." I explained, looking down at the now-sleeping person on my lap. Ben's face was fretful, his hands twitching.
"Leave him in here for the night. I'm sure Jayden can watch him." Adele finally suggested, standing up and giving Jayden a bottle of medicine for Ben. She then left. Goldie and I got Ben in bed and under the covers, his blue ears quivering.
I swear, the second I went to climb into my bed, Jayden knocked on my door. I sighed, getting up and opening the door.
Jayden had an embarrassed look on her face, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Jayden, what's the matter?" I asked wearily.
"It's Ben. He won't stop crying." She explained, looking downright stressed. I ruffled her hair as I walked by, able to hear Ben from my end of the hallway.
He was sitting up, the blanket covering his knees that were drawn up to his chest. His arms were folded on top of his knees and his face was buried in them. He didn't notice me quietly walk up to the bed, but he did notice when I squatted and put my hand on his knee.
He timidly poked one eye out, widening it when he saw me.
"Jayden, do you want me to take him to my room? I-If you don't mind." I suggested, falling back into a stutter. She nodded, rubbing her face with her hands, and slid into her side of the bed.
I gently shook his shoulder, gaining his attention again.
"Come on, get up. We're going to my room." I whispered, hearing Jayden's faint snores from her side. Ben stumbled after me as I left her room.
Goldie was asleep in his bed, his back to me.
'I really hate you right now. Lucky bear.' I thought, grumbling. Ben sneezed, standing right next to me and shaking. I immediately forgot about Goldie and wrapped my arm around Ben, pulling him closer to me. I got in the bed first, Ben curling up next to me, using my arm as a pillow. I laid on my side, my head just above his. He was shorter than me by a few inches, his smaller form curled up within the shadow of mine.
I soon drifted off to sleep.
Ben shifted yet again, disturbing me. He had been doing that all night. I opened my eyes, the dark room greeting me yet again.
Ben was laying eagle spread on the bed, having pushed me away awhile ago. He turned to look at me, green locking onto grey.
"Did I wake you up?" He hoarsely whispered. I shook my head. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling again, the glowing light from his eyes cast upon it.
I turned around in the bed, facing the wall. I heard more shifting, then faint footsteps. The light from the bathroom turned on, blinding me for a few seconds. After a few minutes, the toilet flushed, then the water from the sink began to run.
Goldie flipped over to face me, a look on his face that told me to go check on him. It was probably nothing, but I got out of bed anyway and headed to the bathroom doorway. Ben was washing his face, pale green in the light.
"Are you okay?" I asked, letting concern leak into my voice. Ben jumped faintly, turning to me. He went to answer, but rushed over to the toilet and puked before he could.
I hurried over and put my hand on his back, pulling the bangs away from his face.
When he was done, he went to stand up, but I pushed him back on his knees and grabbed a cup of water, letting him rinse his mouth out before flushing the toilet.
I grabbed the pillow from my side of the bed, as I had left the bathroom, and a blanket, earning Goldie's attention.
"Is he okay?" He questioned, sitting up. I gave him a look that explained it very well. Goldie nodded, slipping out of bed to check on him. I gave him the blanket and pillow, then sat against the wall outside the door.
I heard a distraught question, then Goldie's head and shoulders popped out of the bathroom.
"He's...sitting out here. Do you want him to come in here?" Goldie asked, turning his head back to Ben. I was beckoned within seconds, Goldie sliding past me as we met in the doorway.
Ben was swathed in the blanket, the pillow on the wall behind his head. When I entered, he looked over, delighting weakly in my presence. I sat next to him, inviting him to lay his head on my shoulder. He did, and within moments, he was asleep, making pitiful noises while doing so. Goldie stuck his head back in, smiling at the scene. I just stared, aghast at his calm demeanor.
It was but mere moments before Ben was awake again. I was again holding his bangs back, again getting water for him, but for the first time comforting him about it. He wouldn't stop crying, tears rolling down his face as raindrops might do on a window.
"Shh...It's okay." I whispered, unsure of what to do. Though I am a timid, shy-ish person, I'm not very sentimental. The whole thing with Ben telling me his emotions and feelings was new to me.
For the rest of the night, I sat in the bathroom with Ben, the stupid yellow bear sleeping in his bed. Ben eventually fell asleep, restless and fretful. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall, closing my eyes.
It seemed like I had just barely closed them when I was being shaken awake. Jayden was kneeling in front of me, her green eyes worried.
"Are you guys okay? It's almost ten in the morning." She whispered, glancing at my side. Ben was still curled up next to me, the world's cutest expression on his face, albeit he was fretfully murmuring to himself.
I carefully picked him up, his head resting against my shoulder. Jayden scooted out of the way as I carried him out to the hallway, glancing around before heading for the stairs.
The living room was empty when I got there, everyone out on the back porch for breakfast.
"Dylan took the kids over to his house for now, just so they won't get sick." Jayden announced, coming in behind me. I nodded, setting Ben on the sofa and sliding a pillow under his head.
"Do you want to come eat with us? We're having eggs and bacon." Jayden suggested, looking hopefully pleading. I glanced over at the porch, internally wilting at the sight of all the people.
'Come on, idiot! Stop being so afraid!' I mentally berated, turning back to Jayden.
"Sure, I'll eat out there." I finally replied, checking on Ben once more before following Jayden to the back porch.
Chica, Freddy, Bonnie, and Foxy were all at one table, while ChiChi, Fredric, and Vixen were at another. Goldie was off by himself, another seat pulled out, awaiting for the return of it's user. Well, so I thought, for when I walked up with Jayden, Goldie looked up from his book and smiled, motioning to the empty chair.
I just stared.
"Y-You saved me a spot?" I asked, mentally cursing myself over the stutter. Goldie nodded, beaming.
I hesitantly slid into the chair, staring at the table in front of me. Goldie scooted his plate over to me. I stared again, glancing over to him. Goldie just beamed again, going back to his book. One half of the plate was empty, spare for a few crumbs, while the other had a full meal's worth of food piled upon it. Like he had been...waiting for me. One tear rolled down my cheek, dropping on the table with a soft plink.
Goldie's ear twitched and he snapped his head over to look at me as I furiously rubbed my cheek dry.
"What, pray tell, is the reason that you are making your face look like a tomato?" He asked, giving me an amused look. I scowled, picking up the fork and stabbing an egg piece.
I felt something poke my ear and jumped, snapping my head to look at Goldie. He was cracking up, pointing to my ear. I furiously tried to get it off, but couldn't reach it. I heard someone laugh from the other tables, a real laugh. I snapped my head to look, finding Chica trying not to laugh, while Bonnie was pounding lightly on the table. I then got up and hurried over to the bathroom to see what it was.
A paperclip was characteristically hanging from my ear, it's silver and purple sheen very visible in the daylight.
Maybe it was the paperclip or the fact that people were laughing, but I slammed that door closed and burst into tears, ripping the paperclip from my ear and throwing it across the bathroom with such force that it rocketed off the tile and fell onto the floor with a thump.
I furiously tore open the cabinet and found my prize: a sharp-ended razor blade.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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