~~When It Started~~

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Kalicia's POV

After we saw what each others uniforms looked like we went downstairs to see our parents. They were standing at the bottom of the staircase waiting for us. When we made it to the bottom of the stairs the expression on their faces was priceless. "You guys look so beautiful" said mom. "One question when are we leaving to whatever the name of the fairy school is." "Soon and I forgot the name of the school is Arling Fairy School." ok I said. "Can we go now." " Sure sweetie let me bring round the carriage." said mom. "ok."

 Alicia's POV

I was downstairs standing next to Kalicia, and her and mom were talking. They were talking about when we were leaving, They also were talking about the name of the school it's Arling School. That name seems familiar for some reason I probably seen it on tv or something. I'm a bit exited now that I heard about.

 Kalicia's POV

When I was Done talking to my mom I went to see Alicia up stairs. I told her that mom is pulling the carriage around front so we can leave. " OMG, were leaving soon I don't know why but i'm so exited to meet new people." I kinda am to Alicia. One thing I know is that there are a couple of kingdoms that are going to be there to drop of there kids. There is the land Faithlin is coming with Danavin, Wesley, Jacob, and Angelique Faden. There is also the land Equstria with Unique, and Conner Martinson. I heard a little bit about them. I heard that Donavin is really nice and cute. I also heard that Unique is nice to and likes to laugh a lot.

Writer's POV

This is my first book ever so don't forget to vote and comment idea's bc I will be sruggleing a lot and it is also amazing I made this story yesterday and already got almost 55 reads THANK YOU!!!

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